Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

I slowly raised my eyelids to look at Wyatt sleeping. My heart fluttered for just a second but then it fell. It fell deep, straight to the floor. Looking at Wyatt sleeping so peacefully and he looked so cute, but it felt wrong. It felt so wrong to be sleeping in the same house of his, the same bed, just a few inches a part. it felt like i was cheating...on Jack. Even though i was kicked out of his house and we broke up, i still felt like i was his. And he was mine. I lifted myself onto my elbow then sat up all the way. He did look cute, and he cared, but he just doesn't feel right to be with. I got out of my bed and made sure the blankets stayed on Wyatt. I tip-toed out of his room and across the hall. Once i reached my room i leaned my back against it and slid down it, like every cliche movie. I debated what i would do to get Jack back. Or at the least explain myself and see him one last time. After what felt like forever i finally made up my mind. I went over to my clothes and grabbed my dress from Emily's then changed. I brushed my hair and tried my best to do my make up. Once i was ready, i grabbed my bag and headed for my door. I crept back into his room and saw him still sleeping soundly. I grabbed a pad if paper and started to write a note. I finished and laid it right next to his head. On the other pillow. I looked at him one last time. 'some girl will be really lucky with this one.' i thought as i left his room. Then walked straight out of his house. 

Jack's POV

I awoke with a startle. I touched my face and could feel the tears still wet. I had the same dream i had since Y/N left. In the dream or nightmare, she didn't survive. And i found her wet and cold on the beach, not breathing. I couldn't even imagine not having her with me and after 3 nights of this. I decided I can't let her go. I threw off my blankets and grabbed a t-shirt. I then quickly struggled to pull jeans on and the slipped on tennis shoes. I then threw open the door and ran out. Flying down the stairs then out of the front door. not even caring to grab my keys.

Wyatt's POV

I rolled over to face y/n. I smiled, imagining her sleeping right there in front of me. In my bed, just a few inches a part. I opened my eyes to see if the way i pictured her matched reality. When i opened them though all i saw was my pillow. I propped myself up and looked around the room, then down to my pillow. A small folded note sat right on m white pillow. Untouched. I picked it up and slowly unfolded it. 


           I'm sorry i had to leave you this way. Especially after everything you and your mother did for me. I thank you both deeply for that. Even though it was great staying here with you it just didn't feel right. I decided to try and apologize to Jack or at least explain myself. If things don't work out the way i planned, don't come looking for me. Ill already be on a bus headed to Utah, where my friend lives. I'll get a job there and finish high school there as well. I just thought so many bad things have happened here, i just want to restart my life. I thank you so much Wyatt.


I let my hand fall to the bed. How? How could she want to get back with Jack, i could treat her so much better. And, i was stupid enough to think i could actually try to get with her now. I sighed deeply and held my head in my hands. I crumbled up the note and through it across my large room. "If Jack makes her happy, at least it's better than her leaving." i said having a tear unconsciously fall down my face.

Y/n's POV

Here i am. Rolling my one suitcase down the sidewalk, hoping to be able to fall into Jack's arms once again. I rolled and turned and flipped the thought over and over and over again in my head. So many different opinions would come through, as if said by different people. 'Do it, he still loves you.' 'you broke him, you'll only make it worst.' 'what if things don't go as planned, you don't actually have a friend in Utah.' These thoughts became louder and louder with every step i took down the road. Until i finally listened to a voice. I don't know if it was the right voice but i listened to it. I turn to look back at the bus bench i passed not to long ago. I then fully turn my body towards it but don't move. I just stand and stare. As if im waiting for..."Y/N!" i hear a voice cutting into my thoughts. I turn around to look at the person who is yelling for me, and of course it would be that one person. "Y/n! Wait!" jack yells running towards me, looking like a mess. I stand staring at him with awe. 

Third person POV

The frantic boy ran towards y/n with all he had left. He wouldn't dare take his eyes off her. And for damaged girl felt as if it was a dream. She was just waiting for it to turn into a nightmare. Jack finally stopped in front of her luggage and bent down to catch his breath. She just stared down at him, not knowing what to say. Once he got his breath back he began. "Y/n, please don't go. I was wrong. I know you didn't mean to leave this world only because you didn't want to be with me or whatever. It was probably just because your life was so hard and has been, i know i only know bits and pieces but i know it wasn't easy for you. And i was just sad over everything that was happening. But when you left... i was more heart-broken then when my parents divorced. I realized without you, my heart just couldn't possibly be whole again. He said all in one breath. Though to any other person, it just sounded like gibberish. To y/n she smiled at it, understanding every word. Missing that blabber he was known for. She just smiled. Jack then finally took in her appearance. She wore the same dress, the same shoes, did her hair the same and even tried to recreate her make up. Jack could remember every detail of her. He remembered it because he wanted to never forget what an angle looked like. "That's... that's the same dress and shoes you wore the day we met. And the same hair style and you even tried to do the same make up." He said pointing at her. That sentence made her smile even bigger, if that was possible. Every voice in her head then all finally agreed on one thing. That she loved him. She stepped forward and grabbed his face. Both of them smiling through the kiss. This kiss feeling so much more passionate than any other kiss. And it was because they both knew they couldn't have been happier without each other. 

The End

Word count-1290

Thank you all for all the love this book has gotten, i truly feel this was one of my best books so far. Thank you for dealing with my terrible updating skills and semi good writing. I hope you enjoyed it. If you all would wish i will do memory chapters or some short chapters of what happened after the end. But, right now i am writing a new Finn wolfhard book called, Strictly Business, which hasn't come out yet.It will soon though! I'm also thinking of doing a Wyatt Oleff fanfic. I'm trying to write a few chapters before i post so you all don't have to wait as long. Until then feel free to check out my reading list of other amazing books or check out my other stories. 

Until then - TheMrsWolfhard

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