Heated Promises

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I hadn't forgiven Lexa yet for her behavior and utter distrust of me, although she was making it really hard to not speak with her, it didn't help that all the woman had to do was smile and I was throwing myself at her

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I hadn't forgiven Lexa yet for her behavior and utter distrust of me, although she was making it really hard to not speak with her, it didn't help that all the woman had to do was smile and I was throwing myself at her.

I was still giving her the cold shoulder, although it was thawing slightly, well about as rapidly as the Arctic was thawing due to global warming.

Today was going to be my first day back at work, at the library, of course, I didn't have to face Portia for a little while longer.

I made my way from our bedroom into the kitchen my stomach had been making noises I'd only heard at a metal band concert.

I startled at the sight of her. Why isn't she at work?

"Hey, sleeping beauty you are up."

" Err yes I am up it's what I do on days I need to go to work. " I shrugged as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Why are you so happy it's morning?" I asked suspiciously.

"I am aware that it is morning, I have cause to be happy this morning." She grinned at me wickedly I was growing more suspiciously by the moment, she was definitely planning something.

"Take a guess why?"

I let out a pained grunt it was way too early to play guessing games, I needed food and damn strong coffee before I could start this game.

"What was that an average Caveman response?" Lexa laughed. " Come on guess. "

"I hate guessing games." I protested.

" Just guess. "

"Fine, have you decided to become a dominatrix?"

" What, no but it's interesting that was the first thing that you mentioned maybe we'll try that another time. " She slithered closer to me like an animal having sighted its prey, I was definitely the prey this morning. "You are terrible at guessing games so I'll just tell you instead."

" I didn't think I was so terrible. "

"You and I are going to stay in a romantic cabin for the weekend."

The thought of just the two of us alone together in a secluded cabin sounded like the most perfect thing in the world, I suddenly couldn't wait to go.

"When are we going?"

" Now. "

"So I'm skipping work again?"

"You are skipping work again."

This was becoming a bad habit, one that I really could get used to.

This was becoming a bad habit, one that I really could get used to

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