Babes In The Wood

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I cracked open an eye slightly, the room all around me was black yet from the silvery light of the delicate enthralling moon a slight echo of light shone through the window like a spotlight on a stage it was almost haunting but here where I was ly...

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I cracked open an eye slightly, the room all around me was black yet from the silvery light of the delicate enthralling moon a slight echo of light shone through the window like a spotlight on a stage it was almost haunting but here where I was lying in a soft plush warm bed being spooned by Lexa, it was actually quite romantic.

It's the strangest thing when you're wrapped in the arms of an attractive woman all night long, especially when that woman is Lexa, you forget about the potential for becoming part of horror movie legend or an infamous scary urban myth told by teenagers at camp by firelight. Rogue bears dissolved from my mind, ravenous raccoons become a mere joke in the mind as she trails hot kisses up my willing trembling neck.

That was how we had spent the rest of the evening, and night, when I would fall asleep Lexa, would invent new ways to wake me up, only this time it had been me to wake up first.

The feel of her hot breath meeting the bare nape of my neck and shoulder sent a shiver down my spine, little goose bumps appeared just to give the show away that everything Lexa Lotz did even in innocent sleep was sexy as hell because apparently, I wasn't weak enough already and totally transparent.

Why couldn't I be cool like Lexa, she was always so unaffected, and yet there were the times I found her watching me, a deep heated gaze of something that I found hard to name danced in the deepest depths of her magical mysterious green eyes.

A single thought crept into my mind and wouldn't leave, it niggled there and sat like a slouching unwanted guest who refused to leave and rather incontinently ate all the best cookies, dares I try and wake Lexa as she had done to me, dare I try to seduce the queen of seducers.

The idea was terrifying, the thought of being rejected or laughed at was a definite possibility, during the brief rare awkward talks my mother had given me about such things on her short list, how to seduce hot naked women was not even a feature, I suddenly felt very short changed. She told me nothing useful at all and now I was lost, also I suddenly realised I'd never ventured down the aisle of books in the library that contained such instruction books, the Kama Sutra had been in her line of vision once, just out sitting like an enticing piece of candy on the counter but just as she reached for it Richie had approached and she'd lost her nerve.

Dev had tried to give me some of his wisdom on sex and seduction, but I soon realized he knew even less than I did, and that I thought was impossible, apparently, it was not.

Resolved to try and live like a lioness instead of a little afraid duckling afraid to cast my webbed cute orange feet onto the crisp cool wavy water, I slowly, very slowly turned around so that I now found myself facing her.

Lexa awake was hot but Lexa asleep was no different, her mouth hung open ever so slightly her eyes fluttered a little until they settled and stopped, she looked peaceful, I kind of felt bad for concocting an evil plan to awake her, but she'd done it to me, three times tonight already, I was due a little payback. Hopefully.

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