Back To Normality

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Our weekend away in paradise had come to an end all too quickly, I'd wanted to stay at the cabin longer, wrap Melissa up in my arms forever and steal her away from the awaiting world that tried to bother us. 

I watched the small wet droplets of rainwater flow down the window each dancing together, fighting for dominance until suddenly and violently they merge as one bigger vapor of water. A strange metaphor for sex but it felt a little like the same thing.

I checked my phone for the millionth time since I'd arrived at my office that morning, there was still nothing, no message, no calls, nothing from her. Does this mean she isn't thinking of me?

I let out a frustrated breath as I threw my cell phone down, I knew I was being childish, but Melissa made me feel things I'd never felt before, she made me feel like wanting to be with someone.

"So there you are little sister, I take it your little romance-fest went well." I heard Ororo speak behind me, I'd been so lost in my own thoughts I hadn't heard her open my office door and enter. " I haven't seen you scowl once, but wait, what is this? an unhappy frown dearest sister. "

I swung back around, giving her my best-unimpressed eyes. "Quit the crap, you are annoying."

"Wow, clearly I'm wrong, what's crawled up your butt and died?" Ororo dramatically sighed as she dropped down in the chair at the other side of my desk.

"You are going to be this insufferable all day, aren't you?" I groaned.

Ororo smirked brightly. "Yes, I am, I earned it, so tell me all about it."

"It was okay." I lied.

My sister sent me a knowing grin, sometimes I hated that she knew me too well. "You are not telling me the truth."

" It was a cabin with a librarian, what worth noting do you think happened? " I shrugged off, it was true Melissa was like those fantasies, with the shy ute librarian suddenly wiping away their glasses and untying their hair letting it fall like cascading wild silk rapids, the very image had me distracted.

"Hey, Lex are you still there? Lex." Ororo leaned forward, snapping her fingers at my face trying to break me out of my trance, I didn't want to leave it ever.

"What! oh yeah, I'm just tired."

" I bet you are, come on Lexa it's me Ororo, no need to lie to me, you really like her I can see it, it's nothing to be ashamed of, and you know something she likes you too. " Ororo watched me through hopeful eyes, we both knew too well the feeling of rejection and heartbreak.

"Can we now get back to discussing this deal?" I bushed her seriousness aside, I wasn't ready to talk about this yet.

"I'm not sure we should sign under these conditions." Ororo shrugged.

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