2: A dinner with Valentine

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Chris leaned back on his desk chair and sighed, seeing Jill talking to the other BSAA Agents breaks his heart. Sure he's in the Alpha Team, he's the Captain of team yet he's not the King of her heart; that breaks him more. How he wished he could stop Jill being so friendly to others.

He's staring at Jill Valentine, his Valentine. Oh how beautiful that blonde hair girl is. Seeing her smile while she's talking to other men breaks him. Knowing for a fact that whenever she's around, both of them are too formal. Not showing enough expressions because they know where to stand, what to act and respect.

While on the other hand, Jill is laughing so much together with the other agents because whenever they took a glimpse to their Captain, they always find them staring at Jill. Agents are teasing Jill that she has something to do with their Captain's behaviour. Although it seems Jill doesn't care yet deep inside her heart she knows she has the same behaviour too.

"Cut it off," Jill said whilst laughing, taking her arms up she looked at her wristwatch to check the time.

5:38 PM

It says on the watch, Jill took a sigh. Another day without Redfield on the picture. She thought because everyday they don't have the chance to talk with each other alone or maybe they were but it has something to do with reports and meetings. Both of them are in character, like they won't let their emotions out even if it's pretty obvious that both of them want to talk with each other, like they want to ditch the pleasantries. "Time to go, guys, I'll see you tomorrow." She says and headed towards to Chris' office.

Without knocking, she opened the door and found Chris masturbating.

Heh, joke.

Without knocking, she opened the door and found Chris leaning back on his chair just like what he's doing a while ago. The moment he saw her, he straightened up, put his elbow above his desk chair and clasped his hands as if he's acting formal or everything's under control. Jill find it cute. She walked towards in front of Chris' desk table, taking her hand she put it in front of her forehead to salute her Captain.

"Captain, everything's okay. Umbrella has stop making some virus for now as we recall and there are no B.O.W.s left, I got a call a while ago at the presidential office saying that Agent Leon wants you to call him as soon as you're free." Jill reported loud and clear, clear enough so that there would be no clarifications in order to get out of his office quickly.

Jill remained in her position while Chris is admiring her, admiring her body posture, her facial expressions, how Kylie Jenner imitated her mouth, her eyes, the way she breathes with him and how she breathes without him, how she's way too formal with him as if the both of them haven't shared any special moments within each other, how Sheva is jealous of the way Chris looks at her and so on.

Jill grew unease in her position, seeing Chris looking at her like that makes her uncomfortable. She thought that maybe she has a bad breath when she talked a while ago, or maybe there's a spaghetti sauce resting on her face and she forgot to wipe it earlier, or maybe she has a boogey sitting outside of her nose stuffs like that.

"If you don't need anything, Captain. I'm afraid I must get going," she blurted out and Chris has awaken from his thoughts.

"Oh yeah, yeah right." He cleared his throat as if processing what he's going to say next, "Why don't you, you, you-uh," Chris is stammering at his own words whilst Jill has her eyebrows furrowed at confusion, "Sit here and wait for me. I just have to make a call with, um, Leon." He finally ended his sentence while Jill didn't know what she has to do.

Why does he want me to stay a bit longer? Jill's trapped in her own thoughts. Even though she find it weird that Chris is actually wants her to stay a bit longer without hesitations, she quickly sat on the chair beside her and let her back leaned on the chair behind her.

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