4: Breakfast

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"Hey sleepy head, wake up." Ada said while Sherry Birkin turned around making Ada roll her eyes then Sherry covered her ears with her pillow.

"Manners, Ada. I'm still sleeping." She said while Ada crossed her arms.

"Get your ass up or do you want me to call Jill for you?" Ada said with a smirk on her face.

When Sherry heard Jill's name, she quickly stood up and showed Ada her middle finger while Ada exited her room laughing so hard.

"God, Sherry. You should've seen your face!" She said and continued laughing while walking down the stairs.

"Shut it, Wong!" Sherry shouted which made Ada laugh even more.

"Why, what happened?" Jill Valentine said as she's cooking those delicious pancakes.

"Nah, not to worry. I just teased her a little.. that's all." Ada said still trying to control her laughter.

"A little!?" Sherry yelled upstairs but was cut off by Helena Harper.

"Shut it, loser. Everyone's still having a good night sleep while you keep on bragging! Someone might report us if you don't shut the hell up." She said and slammed her door.

"What you just did will wake the hell up to our neighbors." Claire said suddenly. She was known the 'sweetest' of them all. "Give Sherry a break, you always bully her, Ada." She said walking down the stairs while pressing her hands on to her phone.

"Oh, here comes Sherry's little life saver." Ada mocked and Helena chuckled a bit.

"Enough you two." Jill said and put the pancake on the plate. "This is our first day of school and I don't want us to be in trouble this first day. We're old enough to handle ourselves, right?" She said and they nodded.

"But not Sherry." Ada said then suddenly burst out laughing with Helena while Jill and Claire chuckled.

"What did you just say?" Sherry said with furrowed eyebrows. She's standing beside the table counter and just like came out of nowhere. "What's so special for today, Jill? Why are we up so early?"

"School?" Claire said and Sherry widen her eyes as if she doesn't expect this day would actually come.

"Are you su--" She was cut off by Jill.

"Yes, we have school today, Sherry."

"Oh my fucking glob!" She said while she put her two hands on her cheeks and she suddenly got really excited.

"Excuse me, bitch. Watch your motherfucking language before I put a lot of fucktards in it." Jill said which made Sherry mad.

"That wasn't fair! You cursed way too hard than me." Sherry protested.

"That's cause she's the eldest. Duh?" Helena retorted back and stuck her tongue out on Sherry.

"That's it. Enough of you guys, stop bullying Sherry." Claire said which made Ada roll her eyes.

"Let's just eat and get this over with." Ada said and stuffed the whole pancake in her mouth. The girls looked at her weirdly and she winked.

On the other hand, Leon is busy fixing his bangs while whistling even though he's on his way to the shower.

"What the fuck, Leon. Quit fixing your bangs you cover girl." Jake said while heading towards the bathroom's door. Leon, as quick as he can, pulled Jake's shirt and threw him on the ground making his way to the room. "Fuck you!" Jake cussed while Leon is locking the door.

"It is six in the morning, what are you crying about?" Piers asked still half asleep.

"Just cook the fucking breakfast, puppy." Jake retorted and sat on the stool. "Why are we so early anyway?"

"I don't know what Chris is up to." Piers replied as he cooked some rice.

"You don't know shit about anything I am damn hungry!" Jake said while slammed his hands on the table.

"Stop acting like a kid, Jake." Steve, who came out of nowhere rushed towards the table. "Where's the food?"

"Look who's talking." Jake muttered under his breath.

"Shut up, brat." Steve retorted.

Taking the frying pan, Piers handed it to Steve. "Why don't you make yourself some food if you can't wait."

Raising his hands up to his head, he says, "I'll pass on that one,"

Suddenly, they heard a loud foot steps as if nemesis is coming for them, rushing down the stairs.

"Man, could you walk slower? We don't even know why we are up 6 in the morning!" Jake demanded at Chris.

"Aww, the poor stupid brat forgot to take his nap-nap?" Steve jokingly said which ended up Jake punched him in his arm, Steve laughed at the sudden action.

"I'm hungry now where's the food?" Chris side while rubbed circles on his tummy.

Piers, who is getting furious, smiled impatiently. "I was about to cook it,"

"I have told you to wake upbat least 5 in the morning to cook breakfast."

"What do you think I am? A fucking chef in this house?" Piers said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, Leon stepped out from the bathroom only with his towel on covering his private parts.

"I'm getting hungry, where's the food?" Said he while walking away from the bathroom.

Taking his hand, Piers suddenly held the frying pan and threw it away. "MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN FOOD!" He said and walked away, making his way to their house main door, he opened it and when he is outside he slammed the door.

"Now who's making the food?" Asked Jake.

As fast as they could, Leon made his way upstairs while Steve walked inside the bathroom. Chris, on the other hand, went to the living room to watch some T.V. while he is left alone sitting on the stool.

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" He exclaimed.

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