7: Jealous

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Ada, an ex spy, is now working in the BSAA together with Chris, Jill and Piers. As their new colleagues, Chris has already given her a title that is suitable for her professionalism. Some of the agents are covetous at her because they have been working in the BSAA for years now and this fine lady in a red dress suddenly became a higher rank than them?

As she was busy doing nothing, the door suddenly opened revealing a blonde haired boy who happens to be her love interest for almost two decades.

She gave him one of her sexy time smirks, the blonde smiled back.

"I see you're enjoying your first day, beautiful." He commented and made his way inside her office. Shutting the door abaft, he hid the bouquet of roses behind him.

Ada nodded in agreement, "Who wouldn't be blisfull wherein it is your first day and you're doing nothing but to sit here while watching people being busy through that window?" She said and pointed at the window behind him.

He smirked at the raven haired girl's reply, "Would you be delighted if I'd give you this," he said showing her the roses, "For your first day?" He added.

Ada looks like a pack of tomatoes, yet instead of showing to Leon how she appreciated his sweet loving gesture, she composed herself. "I would be pleased, handsome." She said flirtatiously.

Ada beckoned him and like an obedient dog, he came closer in front of her desk table and placed the roses in front of her.

Putting his hands on the ends of the table, he bent his head to meet her gaze. Ada stood up taking her hands, she took Leon's tie to pull him down closer to her face. He could already smell her minty fresh breath and she's aware of that because their faces are inches apart.

One of her colleagues came barging in her office, they didn't bother to look at it but as for Ada's peripheral vision it is a girl.

"Sir Leon, here's your coffee made with love by m-," she was interfered with her ownself when she saw how close their faces are.

Ada grew unease at the agent and as much as she hates to look at her, she looked at her and gave her a fumed look. "Have you ever heard how to knock you disrespectful girl?" She said through gritted teeth.

"Mae, we're in a middle of doing something. I'll be with you in a moment," Leon said without looking at her, he knows if ever he looks at the girl Ada would be throwing him out of the window.

"Close the door, deluded girl." Ada said firmly. She sure is hella mad.

The agent closed the door and Ada returned her gaze to Leon. She lightly slapped him which turned Leon on yet she sat down.

"Feisty, aren't we?" Leon commented while looking at her.

"Go to this deluded agent of yours and drink your damn coffee made by her with love." She retorted, opened her laptop to browse something that could keep her in her cool state.

"I think I've detected a little green monster in front of me." Leon playfully said and slowly walking towards to Ada.

Ada didn't give him any attention instead she focused herself on her laptop trying to type words.

Leon came any closer to her, he spun the office chair and bent down to meet her gaze. "I think we have some unfinished business that has to be done, haven't we?"

She brushed his bangs and cupped his face, she smiled at him sweetly. "Your coffee is about to get cold, Mr. Kennedy. Now, move aside whereas there's someone who's out there waiting for you." She said and looked away while withdrawing her hands from his face.

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