6: Caught

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As Piers is working at his station, hands on his keyboard typing some of his reports regarding on how he survived the C-Virus invented by Carla Radames that he used in him and how he had an arm again provided by the BSAA as a gift for surviving the massive destruction, Helena, who appeared nowhere bent down to hug Piers. On the other hand, Piers is completely astounded by the sudden action.

"Helena! What are you doing here?" He says and gently removed Helena's arms around him, "I'm currently working, if you're looking for Chris he's in his office."

Helena looked at him dismayed, "I didn't come here for him, you little puppy." She managed to say and sat on his lap, Piers was startled on how Helena acts, and how she is so clingy.

"Why did you come here? I'm in the middle  of a very important report to be passed later. Do you mind?" He irritately said and rolled his eyes, keeping his hands on him.

Helena chuckled, "Isn't it obvious that I came here because of you?" Helena said seductively whilst Piers gave her a disapproving look. She stood up and turned around to face him, "I have made you a lunch!" She exclaimed and put it on the desk, "You work too hard for a report I've almost seen Leon at you, I just thought that this little gesture would help you to loosen up a little." She explained and kissed him on his cheeks. "I'll see you later." She beamed at him and left.

He watched Helena left the office and all of the men praised him.

"All hail praise Piers for he has summon a beautiful creature!" Said one of his colleagues.

"Quit it you fools," Piers said with a smirk, "She's only a friend of mine, okay?"

"Then maybe you want us to introduce ourselves to this 'friend of yours' we know you wouldn't mind."

Piers' jaw suddenly clenched at his statement, he wanted to rip and skin him alive. He doesn't know why he's feeling that yet that's what he wants to do now.

"Back to work!" Jill uttered when she saw Piers' wrath. Piers looked at her and she smiled at him gently. She mouthed the words, "Calm down."

He mouthed back, "Thanks," and continued his work.

Piers constantly checks from time to time if it's already his off or something, he doesn't know why yet he feels like doing it so.

As time passes by, Piers' working shift hours has already ended for like 20 minutes or so. Helena didn't return, he packed his things and ate a while ago his lunch together with Chris and Jill who is officially dating. The lunch was the best for him ad he has a happy tumy. Yes, he is happy for his Captin because he finally has the love that he deserves.

"Going home without waiting for your chaperone?" One of his colleagues teased him.

"Fuck off," replied by a fuming Piers.

He exited the office only to found Helena talking to his workmate. He walked furiously to them and stared deadly at her.

"Oh Piers, I was about to head on your office—," She was cut off when Piers grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her away from his workmate without even giving him a glance. "Piers you're hurting me!"

"My shift already ended at 6:00 PM, Helena! I was waiting for you for more than thirty minutes only to find you here seducing my workmate?" He exclaimed still walking while tightening his grip.

"I was not seducing him!" Helena defended herself, "He came to me and asked me a survey. I was only helping him yet you're the one who's giving me accusations." She blurted while constantly telling him that she's hurt.

They reached the parking lot and Piers threw Helena on the wall, making her wince.

"The hell's wrong with you?" She said as she's carressing her back.

Taking his hands he pulled a handful of his hair, millions of thoughts are running in his mind. He envelop both of his hands at the sides of Helena's head, "Helena, I—uhm." He started making Helena furrowed her eyebrows.

"If you're going to say something just spill it out!" She blurted.

"I don't want you talking to other guys," He retorted and took a sigh, "Look, I don't know what this is but I know whenever I see you with someone or even talking to then I easily get mad. You wouldn't want to make me mad, would you?" Taking her hands he entwined it with his.

"You don't have to act that way. You should have put your arms around my waist denoting I'm yours." She softly said and he nuzzled himself on Helena's soft hands.

"I'm sorry if I acted despicable."

"Forgiven," She said and hugged him, he kissed the side of her head and he hugged her back tightly.

"Get a room you two!" The security guard exclaimed and both of them laugh hysterically.

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