3: Confession

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"Mr. Muller, may I request for your attention please?" Piers said while gritting his teeth.

"What do you want, puppy?" Jake replied not taking his head off the screen. He was doing his report on what happened back in Edonia after he took the "energy booster" that Carla Radames once gave him, and how he doesn't had an effect on the virus itself because of his royal blood.

"Someone's requesting for your cooperation," The man politely replied even though he's a bit pissed because of Jake's behavior.

"The fuck do you think I'm doing; sitting here all day without doing a shit? I've got tons of fucking words to type. How do you want me to cooperate, puppy?" Jake replied furiously, all of the agents glanced at him as if everything's normal. They are already used to Jake's informal choice of words.

"You might want to take a look of this one," With that, Piers walked away and headed to his station.

With a heavy butt, Jake stood up and closed his laptop. Headed towards their office's exit and started walking on the waiting shed.

He immediately recognized a blonde girl sitting on the bleacher with a phone on her hands. She's used to be his partner.

"Holy shit, Sherry?!" Jake exclaimed and abruptly Sherry averted her gaze to Jake. "It's been a long time, super girl!" He quickly ran towards her and greeted her with a hug.

Without hesitations, Sherry hugged him back. "I've missed you too, Jake." As they break the hug, Jake's face couldn't wipe off his smile. He's indeed glad to have Sherry with him right now, he missed Sherry more than he missed his unseen father. You can tell that Sherry has a huge affect on him. "I'm just here to know if you're making a great job,"

"As a matter of shitty fact, I do. I'm also glad I'm making this huge favor of yours, I find it extremely stupid that I am enjoying typing nothing." He jokingly said and Sherry frowned at him, taking his hands he raised it both at the level of his head as if he's surrendering. "I'm kidding."

"You better take that report seriously, Jake." Sherry replied and sat down, "I'm stressed out for the past few weeks, I can't think straight." She said with a sigh. "How do you do it, Jake?" Asked Sherry while looking up to him.

Jake's brows furrowed at confusion, "Do what exactly?"

"You were a mercenary, a soldier who will fight for any group that hires him. Was a mercenary that is willingly to kill someone to gain a reward, after you kill it, what do you do when you get the money? Does it make you feel better by killing someone?" Sherry asked, sadness was evident by the time Jake looked through her eyes.

"I didn't choose to be a mercenary, either way if I need to do it no matter what the situation is I'd do it." Jake firmly said taking his right hand he put it on Sherry's shoulder making her to look at him. "Look, if this is about the people we've killed, we have to accept it because we don't have other choice. It's either kill or get killed." He added.

Sherry's still downcast, "They still have a chance to change themselves. There's a cure so that they could be a human once again yet we've killed them Jake." Sherry said, tilted her head up to look at Jake. "There's no way they would be a human again considering we've killed them wherein they have the chance to live!" Sherry exclaimed, a tear escaped from her eyes.

Jake took her to his chest to calm her down, he held her in his arms as Sherry relaxed herself against Jake's chest while Jake is nuzzling his cheek on Sherry's head.

"It's okay super girl, we just have to put it in the past and move on. It's not your fault, it never was." With that, Sherry calmed herself down.

"I love you, Jake." Her words trailed off at the end; her breathing gradually slowed down, indicating that she had entered dreamland.

Jake was astnoshied at the confession, it was mixed emotions. He doesn't know what to feel but all he knows that his heart is beating fast it was as if it wants to come out from him inside.

After all these months, Sherry does has a feelings for the man. After all he have do,  after all he have done it was already more than enough. He saved her dozen of times without him noticing it. As much as he hate to admit yet he knew it himself he already has a feelings towards the woman. He always wanted Sherry to be protected by him, saved by him, and be loved only by him. He is that selfish when it comes to Sherry.

This is how Sherry repays him and it was all worth it.

After all these years, he finally learned how to love.

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