8: Reunion

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There's a couple who are sitting on a rooftop admiring the beauty of New York City.

Claire is leaning against Steve's chest and took a deep sigh.

"Promise me you wouldn't have any girls besides me." She said and raises her pinky finger.

Steve chuckled at the sudden action, "I promise you, Claire bear. No other girls, just you." He replied and raised his pinky he pinkied his girlfriend.

"I wonder what we would be like when we grew a bit older."

"Obviously we'll be weak, old, worthless, and white haired grannys and granpa." Steve said as a matter of fact.

Claire playfully punched his chest, he chuckled. "I mean, would all of us have kids?" She curiously asked.

"Why, you want to see little Redfields and Burnsides, don't you?" He asked and looked at her, admiring the beauty of her girlfriend.

"Yeah, I hope we all settle down for good. I hope there's peace and quiet here again on earth. No more A, C, G whatever virus the past has stored, I just want a normal, and simple life." She looked at him, "I just want to be happy with you, no more running away from B.O.W.s because they want our brain even if you don't have one." She said and let out a hearty laugh.

"They wouldn't be chasing me if I don't have one!" He protested.

"Haven't you noticed it yet? They aren't chasing you because they can't tell if you have a brain or not!" She explained still laughing, tears are streaming down on her cheeks.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed the side of her forehead, "I'm lucky to have you."

"Hey two love birds, the dinner's ready." Sherry called them while chuckling.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a minute." Steve replied. "So how 'bout we head back to them, yeah?"

"I love you." Claire mumbled giving him a peck on the lips.

"I love you too." Steve replied and hugged her tight. "Let's go before Chris' roast us."

As they have reached the terrace they saw all of the survivors and even workers. They were astonished by the event.

"Chris must've been serious about this gathering, huh?" Steve commented.

"I guess you could say that," Claire replied.

"You two, come over here!" Rebecca called them and Claire immediately grabbed Steve's wrist.

She approached Rebecca. "Hi I hope you remembered me, I'm Claire Redfield and my boyfriend Steve Burnside." Claire introduced themselves while smiling at her.

"Of course I do remember you." Rebecca replied sweetly. "Let's go join them then."

Claire nodded in reply and clung in Steve's arms.

"Well, what do we have here?" Leon began who came out from the door while his arms is encircled around Ada's waist. All eyes were on his. Obviously, everyone in the terrace knows him. "Are you going to announce your engagement, Chris?" He joked.

Chris stood up from his seat to welcome his guests. He approached Leon, "Probably, yes. Why did you just have to ruin it?" He playfully replied and fist bumped Leon. He glanced at the fine lady wearing a red dress beside him, "It is good to see the real Ada Wong." Chris complimented Ada and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Kennedy." Leon added and Ada chuckled.

"How could I forget, congratulations." Chris said and smiled at them sweetly, "I'm going to get Jill first before we eat, go ahead and make yourselves comfortable." He said and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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