5: Redfields

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Claire is leaning against her bed while thinking about happy thoughts. She often think about Steve who just asked her if she could be his girlfriend.

So many thoughts came barging in, she obviously knew that one day Steve would ask her this. After so many trials, zombies they both have killed. Attachment came to both of them.

While she’s in the middle of her thoughts, Chris came in to her room without knocking; her reflexes shot up she threw a knife on the door only to find her brother. Chris easily dodged the knife and it got stabbed on the door.

“You didn’t tell me you’ve wanted to kill me your own brother, did you?” Chris playfully said with a smirk, taking the knife in his hands and walked towards to Claire.

Claire rolled her eyes, “I’m sorry my dearest brother, you should have knocked first if you don’t want someone shooting daggers at you, do you?” she slammed herself back to her bed.

Handing the weapon back to Claire, she signaled to put it on the bed side table. “It is about Steve,” Chris began, immediately Claire’s brows shot up, “He told me about what’s happening between the two of you.”

“It is clearly none of your business why on earth would he tell you that?” Claire asked with a hint of irritate in her voice.

“At least he wants to inform me, I just told him what a good brother would tell.” Chris said whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

What on earth did Chris tell Steve? Claire’s thoughts are having a massive chaos. She didn’t thought the two men of her life would talk behind her back.

“That’s it, you could go out. Now.” Claire said and turned her back on Chris.

Tomorrow came, Claire is cooking their breakfast when she heard a massive footsteps above her.

She rolled her eyes and still cooked their breakfast when suddenly Chris rushed down the stairs, “You could have walked.”

“I can’t walk, y’know? I’m in a hurry.” Chris said which made Claire growl. He sat on the stool and took a loaf, “Can I ask?”

Claire turned her head towards him, “No,” she said and continued cooking.

“Have you liked Leon?” Chris asked whilst chewing his food.

Claire got stunned at the sudden question but she shrugged it off, “Apparently, yes but it was just a small crush. After all, it is pretty obvious that ever since Raccoon he couldn’t stop babbling about Ada.” She explained which Chris gave her a playful smirk. “Don’t give me that look, all right? I’m not jealous. I know where I stand and I don’t have the right to be jealous. Idiot.”

“I didn’t say anything yet you’re already defensive, actually you’re pretty right. You don’t have the right to be jealous but you have the right to feel it you just can’t stop him.” Chris said and took another bite but this time, it was the hotcake Claire was cooking. “After all these years finally you already know how to cook.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, Chris. Thanks.” Claire said while rolling her eyes. “I don’t like Leon up to now, all right?”

“Idiot girl knows how to cook, what an impressive skill other than throwing knives at her brother, yeah?” Chris playfully said whilst chuckling. “Say that to yourself.”

“You’re an idiot you don’t know how I wished the knife landed on your face, asshole.” Claire retorted both of his statements, obviously this conversation they have would turned out either one of them pissed.

He put his hand on his chest as if he was hurt. “I should not have trained you using knives if you’re going to get me killed.”
Chris likes where is this heading because obviously he likes Claire to get pissed.

Turning off the stove, Claire turned around to look at her brother. She lowered herself down to meet her brother’s gaze. “You might want to close your door before going to bed pretty tight, Chris.” She seriously said which made Chris gulped hard, that earned her a playful smirk.

“I’ll suggest you tell that to yourself,” Chris looked threatened at what Claire’s statement. “Any how, you’re coming with me at Leon’s wedding.” Chris said changing the topic.

Sitting on the stool in front of her, she thought of why on earth Chris changed their quarrel but she shrugged it off. “Oh, Leon’s going to get married?”

“You heard me,” Chris said and stood up, headed to the counter to make himself a coffee. “He’s ready to tie the knot with his love interest. He could his freedom goodbye.” He said while chuckling, he took a cup and began to fill it with water.

“Glad he has found the right one for him,” She commented, taking her milk and began drinking it. “Who’s the woman?” She curiously asked and began drinking again.

When Chris was done, he sat again on the stool while mixing his coffee with a teaspoon. “Ada Wong.”

Claire showered the milk she was drinking on the other side, “You’re a nasty idiot girl. You’re cleaning that up!”

Claire rolled her eyes as a response, “I’m quite surprised that woman isn’t afraid of commitment.”

Still, she could not believe Ada is already sleeping on the same bed as Leon. The spy is ready to tie the knot with Leon after so many decades, she finally made a wise decision.

She was beyond happy for Leon because out of all the people Leon knew, she knows him the most other than Ada of course. Ada knows everything about her man.

“Yeah, hope that he’s ready to cage himself.” Chris said while laughing.

“Marriage isn’t about kissing their freedom good bye, Chris. They are two imperfect people who refused to give up with each other until they have finally decided to settle down.” Claire suddenly said which made Chris felt alarmed.

“You’re envy because Leon’s finally getting married?” Chris asked curiously while furrowing his eyebrows.

“I knew it from the start that you are adopted, idiot boy.” Claire said while glaring at him, she stood up, leaving Chris.

“I’m not cleaning your mess up!” He bellowed and had a great laugh.

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