Chapter 1 : flashbacks

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"And Lance ?"
"Leave the math to Pidge."

I still remember that conversation. Sometimes I wonder if that was it. If that was why everything that happened happened.

Sometimes I think it was all my fault entirely.
Was it ? Did I drive him away?
I don't know .
"GODAMNIT LANCE WILL YOU PAY ATTENTION?!" Pidge's constant yelling brought me back to reality. She gave me an exasperated look.
"you know , you've really been zoning out lately!"
"Sorry....." I decided that I could probably think about this later, even though I'd much rather then listen to the conversation going on. That was when I all of a sudden forgot how I was supposed to be acting . So I looked at Allura and gave her a wink. "I was just thinking about a beautiful woman." Allura simply rolled her eyes in frustration. Everyone had pretty much gotten used to the Lance McClain I had shown them. The Lance McClain they were used to .

Shiro sighed dismissively. He told me bit by bit the basics of the plan and how we could use Lotor to get into the Empire. I simply nodded along and just rolled with it . "So you get it?" I nodded . All in all it was pretty basic and simple to understand. Shiro just gave me a look and nodded back.
Does he know something he shouldn't .....?
"That's good enough. Now everyone should probably take a break. We'll put the plan in motion tomorrow morning." that's done and over with. Hunk decided to head to the kitchen, probably making something that will most likely end up tasting delicious . Pidge , as usual, was busy organising the Galra prison files that she had and analysing them, looking for any clues that might lead her to her missing father. Coran started cleaning up the castle and working on maintenance. As for Allura , she decided to hang out with the mice for a while.
I was about to head back into my room like I usually did before Shiro stopped me . "Lance. Can we talk for a minute?" I nodded, though unsure of what he was going to say to me.

We walked down the castle (or ship, whatever it is) corridors in silence for a while. Then Shiro finally asked me:
"Are you okay Lance?"
He must know somehow.
"I'm perfectly fine." I lied, brushing away the question. " why? Do you think something's going on?"
" It's because I know something's wrong with you. You've been behaving really strange lately."
"It's just the excitement, that's all." I lied again, giving him a faint smile. " We're finally gonna be able to get back to earth once this whole thing is over, and it's literally within our reach ."
Shiro just looked at me blankly.
He wasn't buying it .
But he let me go anyway. "Okay." He grinned. "Sorry for doubting you."
"It's fine."
He let me go even when I was lying.

                                  -  .  -

Keith's PoV:
"That's great Keith!!!" Shiro was pretty excited. I mean, of course he was. They all would be. "Yeah .....I mean.....there's no reason for me to be in the blade anymore...."I trailed of. At first I was happy in the Blade , but then....
Then I started missing someone.
"Just don't tell the others." I wanted it to remain a surprise. Mainly because I knew they could go ballistic. Well, mostly Shiro. I don't think the others really care that much.
He probably doesn't care either.
We ended our conversation as I got the escape pod ready for tomorrow. I already told the Galra about the situation. They were ok with it. I guess I didn't make that much of a significant change to the blade, or maybe it was because they didn't accept me because of my race. Either way, I never really belonged there in the first place.
It was gonna be a long trip, so I decided to just start it then and there. Besides, piloting is one of those things that were really calming for me.
I boarded the escape pod and began to leave The Blade's headquarters. I had no idea what I'd be doing when I got there. Do I automatically let them know ? Or should I just walk in and surprise them?
Would they even care....?
It was at that point I decided to just focus on piloting to stop these thoughts from invading my head.
                                     -  .  -                       

Hi everyone!! So this is my first part of this new fic I'm writing. I really hope you like it so far and keep reading!!!  So before I'd just like to get a few things out of the way :
-My first time writing Yaoi (PLSSSSS DONT KILL ME)
- This story takes place in an AU and was written before season five comes out. ( which is soon mind you, so....)
- I'm not really a 100% sure about whether or not I should include smut cuz I've never written it.....I'll leave that up to you .....😂😂😂

~Chieko Homura❤️💙💜

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