Chapter 4: Dancing in the hallways

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Lance's PoV:
I yawned and stretched, checking the time.
5:30 am......I'm pretty sure no one's up right now......
I would go back to bed, but I didn't feel like sleeping. I got up, still in my boxers.
Do I really have to change? I mean, I don't think anyone's up right now.....
Nah. I don't feel like it.
Still a bit sleepy, I slowly trudged into the training deck, my brain slightly fuzzy. I stood there for a minute, wondering what to do.
......should I train?
I couldn't exactly do that in just my boxers, so.....
There's too many things on my mind. I need to distract myself.
And that's when I begun dancing. I'd always been good at it, and for the longest time, it was a way for me to vent. And I needed that after all that had happened yesterday. I needed to calm myself down.
"You like dancing?! That's not what I'd want from my son!! You disgrace the McClain name!!"
I stopped. Goddamnit. I was thinking about that bastard again. I shouldn't care.....I shouldn't care .....about him.
"Wow Lance!!! You should make this a part-time thing! Mommy' s so proud of you!"
I smiled then. That was what I needed. I started doing backflips, first slow and steady, and then faster with more determination. After that, I looped into a pirouette,concentrating on how many spins I could do.
I was super close to beating my personal record.
"Lance?" I know that voice. It was Keith. I turned to face him.
Jesus. He's even beautiful in the mornings. How the heck does he look sexy in a mullet?! Why is it that his purple eyes reminded me of the galaxy? It was so easy to get lost in them. I could just stare at his face forever.
"Umm.....Lance?" His voice interrupted my thoughts. "Why the heck are you dancing at 5:30 in the morning with only your boxers?" I noticed the slight tinge of blush on his cheeks.
It took me a second to process the scene. And then......
Oh shit.
My face turned beetroot red.
"Oh ummmm........" I struggled to come up with an excuse. "'s a training sequence for dancers." My blushing only increased. " works for beginners too..."

And then Keith started  stripping.

"KEITH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" There's no stopping how embarrassed I felt.
"Well....I mean....." he gave me a weird look. "You did say this worked for beginners......and well......I technically don't know how to dance....." he was blushing almost as much as I was. "so......ummm......."
He was only in his underwear too,the rest of his clothes strewn on the floor of the training deck.
"Lance.....could you teach me....?"


Keith's PoV:
Damn.....that took a shit-tonne of courage. But Lotor was right.
"Try to rebuild what you had before I came along."
I had to fix what was broken. But I definitely didn't think I'd get a chance so soon. And I didn't expect something like this to happen, but I wasn't complaining. I mean, I got a good look at  Lance's
Stop it Keith. Jesus......
I patiently awaited Lance's answer. He seemed a bit surprised by what I said. Then he burst out laughing. "Really? You don't know how to dance?!"
"......yeah so?"
"I'm sorry." He couldn't stop laughing. I guess he hadn't laughed in a long while. "It's just- well.....I figured you'd be perfect in this, like you are in every other medium."
"W-WHAT?! I'm not perfect."
" Really, cause it sure seems like it! Anyhow, sure, I'll teach you. You won't even have to pay!!!!"
".......I wasn't planning on it." I gave him an affectionate smile. We were finally beginning to act like we used to around one another.
Lance started to teach me the basics. Surprisingly enough, I had the skill down. All I needed was to work on my technique. I blushed as his hands touched my bare skin, sending shivers down my spine. In spite of how nervous I felt, there was this strong sense of ease I felt around him. It was as though words didn't even need to me exchanged. It was just him and I , Lance and Keith. I wish it could just be the two of us.
"Pretty good for your first day." He grinned encouragingly.
I grinned back. "Thanks......but......"
"I have just one question......what was the point in stripping?"
"Uh......" Lance was left speechless. "It's it's because YOUR  MANEUVERABILITY IS BETTER THEN THATS ALL-"
I laughed. I was pretty sure that wasn't the reason.
"Anyway.....we should probably put our clothes back know ..... before anyone sees."
"TOO LATE!!!" Pidge popped out of nowhere, brandishing her phone like a weapon or something.
"Holy cow that was super gay." Hunk added in a remark as he appeared.
All I could do was burst out laughing. This is exactly how things were in team Voltron.
"SPACE PADRE HAS NOTICED THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT!!!!!" I suddenly realised Shiro was standing behind us.
My jaw dropped. I didn't even know he was there.
"Now,now,Paladins. Quiet d-" Coran was left speechless when he witnessed the scene. Then he finally said, "Keith, Lance, if you want to reproduce, you could've just-"
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!!!" Lance and I said simultaneously.
"Ok.......sure....." Pidge and Hunk said at the same time, Pidge with a sly smile and Hunk with an excited one.  Shiro just gave us a goofy smile and winked at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Ah young love...." Coran said wistfully, not even trying to hide the coy smile he was wearing.

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