Chapter 2: Reunion

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Keith's PoV:
I took a deep breath. After the long, silent and awkward journey , I was right behind Allura's castle. I wondered how the team would react to my arrival.
I slowly entered the castle. Shiro had adjusted the security breaches in advance so I could get in. I walked down the hallways with caution, trying to not disturb anyone . I'd pretty much ruin the whole idea of it being a surprise if I let someone else besides maybe Shiro see me.
I made it to the centre room , blade in hand. Apparently they all were planning on meeting up to put a plan in motion, so it would be the perfect time to walk in. And yet , I was still hesitant. But after one or two breathers, I was finally able to muster up the courage to walk through.

"SURPRISE!!!!!" I jumped back in shock . Pidge and Allura held up a banner which said , 'WELCOME BACK!!!' They had decorated the whole thing with red things like roses and all sorts of other arrangements.
Hunk was holding a cake ( which he probably made himself) iced with , once again, roses. He held it up to my face beaming.

I was no idea what to say......

"W-what? How did you guys know?!"
Pidge grinned . " Isn't it funny ? You wanted to surprise US, but we ended up surprising YOU!"
"I told them ....." Shiro gave me a sheepish look. "B-but I just wanted to give you a huge welcome and everything, that's all!!! I didn't mean to lie to you-" I just gave him a hug right there and then. I couldn't believe they put this together for me.

Guess I was worried about nothing.....

And then.......I saw him. His elegant tanned skin, his beautiful blue eyes. His long slender body. It was the person I missed the most.
"Um....hi Keith."
We stood there in silence for a moment. After everything that happened , after all we'd been through, there were so many things I wanted to say. But I wasn't sure how to go about it, and I felt afraid to tell him the truth.

What will he think of me then?

"Anyway...." Hunk carried on the conversation. Honestly, he really saved my ass. "Are we gonna celebrate or what?!"

"Uh-yeah!" I brushed of my emotions for now.

......I'll do it later.

"Hell yeah !!!! " Lance cheered . He was faking how he felt. I knew that. It honestly hurt to see him. I didn't know what to tell him. How to confess. Or whether my feelings would even be accepted. But what I was really scared of.....

Was that my potential rejection could cause him to hurt himself.

-  .  -

Lance's PoV :
He was back. Keith was actually back.
It's funny. I thought he'd never return. I thought we'd never even see each other again.
I thought the endless void in my heart would never fill.
So when I saw him, I struggled to hold back tears. I struggled not to break down. I struggled not to run up to him and wrap my arms around him in a warm embrace. I struggled not to tell him how felt for him. Because I honestly didn't know what this feeling was. Did I like him? No. I wasn't that way.....I wasn't .....
Why was it that sometimes I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, and yet sometimes I just felt pure hatred? I didn't know. I didn't know........
I avoided Keith for the rest of the party. As happy as I was that he was back, I honestly didn't want to see his face right now.
"Hey." Hunk's voice forced me to zone out of my thoughts. "Hey." I replied , not looking him in the eye.
"You've been acting really weird since Keith left."
"....I'm sorry ....what...?"
"Oh please. You're not fooling me."
He knew. Of course he did.
".......can we talk about this somewhere private?"
We walked out of the hallway and stopped in one of the castle stairways. Then Hunk crossed his arms impatiently.
"So? What's the deal?"
"......" I didn't know how to explain.
Hunk sighed . "I won't press on if you don't want to tell. I know it's probably personal."
"It's just.... well....."
Hunk gave me a look of encouragement.
"Umm....." I blushed .
"I think I have a crush on Keith...."
Hunk smiled supportively. " There it is!!!"
" KNEW?!"
"So what was the point of getting me to confess?!"
"I just wanted to confirm my suspicions." Hunk placed his hand on my shoulder. "Lance, I'm okay with the fact that you're-"
"Yeah. I know Hunk."
"Just don't worry."
"I won't ."
That was a lie.

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