Chapter 5: A brand new Blade

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Lance's PoV:
After everyone saw I was, um, enlightening Keith, they pretty much wouldn't shut up about the whole situation.
"So." Hunk said, laying down a stack of pancakes. "What you're saying is you weren't and didn't plan on doing it?" He gave me a bewildered look,as though he expected us to. Keith crossed his arms frustratedly and sighed.
"No,Hunk. Lance was just teaching me how to dance." Hunk raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"In your underwear?"
Keith blushed. I always thought it was cute when he did that. The red shade was clearly visible on his pale skin. At least when I did it I had a sense of camouflage. Keith had no way to hide it. "Lance said it was a good way to practice....." he looked at me accusingly.
"Hey?!" I regained my composure. "You're the one who stripped right in front of me?!" Keith's blushing increased as he arched his eyebrow. "Says the guy who was dancing in his boxers at 5:35 AM."
"5:35 AM?! You guys were 'practicing ' for THREE WHOLE HOURS?!" Hunk looked at us , clearly astonished. Keith rolled his eyes, digging into his pancake. "It's not that big of a deal." He clearly didn't understand the implications of the scene we had set.

Shit. I was blushing too now.

"I'm gonna head out to train...."
"But what about breakfast?"
"I'm not hungry."
Keith gave Hunk a weird look which Hunk returned. They knew something was up.
Which was why I avoided making eye contact.
I headed back into the training deck, and the memories of this morning were now richer and easier to call back. As awkward as those moments were, they were still wonderful somehow.
Do I I really like Keith? No. It's just a crush. We're just friends. We're just.....
"Start training sequence." I needed to work in my technique. Especially after what had happened to my bayard. I summoned my bayard, and said what I always said in my head before a battle.
Help me fight Sophie.
My bayard transformed into an Altean broadsword. Using the blade, I slashed through the level one gladiator.
"Summon level ten." I said, not caring about going through two to six again, or the fact I was skipping three levels. I had to get stronger.

I was running out of time.

The gladiator towered high above me, far taller then I was. I got ready to deflect its shots, allowing my shield to appear. It slapped its robotic arm down, almost crushing me. I was lucky I was fast, because if not I probably would have died. I bounced up, sword in hand.

"RAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!" I yelled like a mad man. The sword slashed through the creature and it exploded as I landed on my feet.
"Level ten: cleared." The system gave its final verdict. Through pants and breaths I replied,
"End training sequence." As determined as I was, I was to exhausted to try out the next level. I let my shield disappear, and sat down for a quick-breather.
" you have a sword now?" Keith sat beside me. I didn't even notice he was there until he spoke.
Keith inched closer slowly, wanting to get a good look. Then he finally said:
"Eh. My sword looked better."
"Are you kidding me?! This is an Altean broadsword! It shows I have greatness within!!!"
"Pshhhhhh. Who says?"
"Altean sword or not, mine still looked better."
"What are you talking about? Mine clearly has more style."
"Yours is so thin it's practically anorexic."
"Sophie's not anorexic!!!"
"You named your bayard Sophie? Why?!"
I looked straight into his eyes then.
"After a beautiful woman at home."
" unexpected!"
"What?" I asked him, bewildered. Keith just rolled his eyes. I could tell that something was wrong. He was still the same witty, sarcastic Keith, but he looked upset for some reason. There was an awkward silence for a moment.
Then Keith finally said, " Sophie your girlfriend of something?"
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK KEITH NO THATS GROSS!!!" I couldn't believe what he was saying. "I'm definitely not interested in her."
Keith gave me a confused look, to which I replied:
"Sophie's one of the most important people in the world to me, but not because of a romance." I smiled lightly,remembering all that we'd done together. "She's always been there for me, always protected me. She's always by my side just like this bayard." I clutched the sword tightly, letting it materialise into its actual form.
"He'll, they've both have even saved my life a couple of times. " I struggled not to cry. I missed her more than anything in the world.
"You see..." I smiled weakly.
"Sophie is my mother's name."
Keith's PoV:
Okay. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say this:
I was not expecting this from Lance of all people.
Lance, the obnoxious, goofy sharpshooter, was actually a family man. This blew my mind. All I was doing was just staring at him like an idiot.
He started to laugh. "Wow! You look like you just saw a girl naked or something."
".......hey Lance ?"
"I'm know...."
I've never been good with people, but even a person like me knew Lance was the most homesick out of all of us. And making him think of him s family was one of the worst things I could ever do.
"Hey...." he put his hand on my shoulder , giving me an earnest smile. "Don't worry about it ."
All I could do was smile back. Because I knew words would fail to describe how guilty I felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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