Chapter 3: Nightmare

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Keith's PoV:
"Why did you leave us Keith?" Lance's pained face was too much to bear. "Why did you leave me?"
"I'm nothing Lance. I'm a pathetic failure and you know it. "There was nothing else I could say to him.
"Oh Keith....." Lance smiled weakly. "It was me who was the weakling all along."
He pulled out a gun.
Slowly , with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, he put it to his head.
"Lance no!"
And then he pulled the trigger.

I woke up in a pool of my own sweat, shivering in fear. "Why am I such an idiot...." was all I could say to myself. I slowly got out of bed. I needed a breath of fresh air. I walked around the castle for a bit, kind of wishing there was someone to talk to.
"What are you doing at three in the FUCKING MORNING."
I rolled my eyes and looked at him cynically.
"I could say the same for you Lotor."
"Well....technically I have no choice in the matter. I've been put in this cell after all."
He gave a shrug of his shoulders which I returned with  a quizzical stare. I was pretty sure he could easily get out. He was just playing along.
"You know, human beings are surprisingly rather skeptical. Well, I suppose that Shiro is an exception. Maybe he's to soft in the -"
"Finish that sentence and I'll cut your dick off."
"Whoa, whoa, isn't that going a bit to far...?"
He smirked. Damn bastard.
"By the way." I added , realising credit should be given. "Thanks for saving my ass back there."
"What? Is the great Keith Kogane thanking the inferior prince Lotor? What a surprise."
"Don't expect me to trust you though."
"Aaaaaannnnnnndddddd he's back ." He gave me a playful look. The guy was clearly trying to play some game. " I am so shocked that the great Keith Kogane isn't fearless though."
"Calm down. I just heard a scream from your room. Also, there's no other reason for you to be walking around in the middle of the night. So..... even though you'll probably not tell me........?"
I sat down beside his cell, considering it. I wasn't a hundred percent sure I could tell him. What would Lance say....?
"You know, Lance and Allura are a couple now." Lotor playfully said.
"So you do like one of them!"
My cheeks turned beetroot red. "No...... I was j-just.....surprised is all.......I didn't expect it."
There was silence for a moment. Then Lotor said, "who is it....Lance or Allura?"
I blushed once again. There was no point in hiding it anymore. "I....I'm gay."
"Ok. So then Lance."
"you're not weirded out or anything?!"
"No. In the Galra empire, gay and lesbian marriage is accepted. It's actually become a common practice."
"Yes. " was it just me, or..... was Lotor actually being sincere?! " I was lying about Lance and Allura being together by the way."
"So I could get you to confess. I've noticed the way you look and communicate with him for the short time I've been here, and I've seen how he behaves around you." He leaned back and sighed. "I mean , with nothing to do here, what else was I supposed to try for fun? Luckily everyone on this ship seems to be going through some 'drama' of some sort, so...."
I guess Lotor wasn't as bad as I thought. But there was only one way to test it. "Ummm.....Could you not tell the others? Especially Lance. I'm not totally ready to come out yet. Also...." I got a bit embarrassed as I asked him this. "Can we be friends Lotor?" He laughed. "Well, that was unexpected. I don't feel like telling the others , and it's not like they'll believe me. And as for being friends...." he actually gave me an earnest smile then. "I'd like that." He stood up and stretched. "Anyhow..... do not disturb my sleep. And as for Lance......" he looked me in the eye. "Try to rebuild what you had before I came along." All I could do was nod.
"Goodnight Lotor."
"You too,Keith ."
I walked back to my room, leaving Lotor to rest. It was weird but.... for once in the longest time......
I felt less alone.

Hey guys!!! Season 5 is gonna be released in less than two days. ( I am legit so excited) . I really hope you're enjoying the book so far!!!😊❤️💙💜


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