The Unlucky Ones

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*chapter one*

Everyone went silent. The screen flicked on. "Hello everyone!" came the announcers voice, "it is time to find out who the contestants will be for this year's season of "The Lucky Ones"" murmurs were heard throughout the room. "The first girl is.... Julie Haddock." "No, not my Julie!" cried a horrified mother. "Julie please come forward." The announcer said. Julie, a short girl with soft blonde hair and blue eyes, stood silently and kept her head down as she walked up onto the stage. The announcer's voice came on again, "our second young lady is.... Tailynn Winder " A young girl sitting alone stood up and walked confidently toward the stage, but people sitting close to her could see a tear slip down her cheek. Once she got to the stage, the announcer announced the third and final girl "Elara Capper." "Woo! You go girl!!" cheered the young girl's family as she strutted up to the stage. "Wonderful! Now for our male contestants." The announcer called out the names of six boys and one by one they joined the girls on-stage. "Collin, Drew, Harvey, Jonas, Dagan, and Jaylen" The announcer said loudly " Boys, three of you will find love through this journey, and will become known as the what we like to call "The Lucky Ones" the other three of you however will become "The Unlucky Ones"....Good luck!" the announcer laughed before ending with "We'll see you on the screen."

*chapter two*

The screen flicked off and the contestants were ushered off the stage and into another room. They all took a seat, the girls on one side and the boys on the other. Suddenly, the room went dark and an old TV snapped on. A man appeared on the screen. "Female population: 2.6 billion, male population: 5.4 billion. Do you see the problem with these numbers? The world's population has been overcome with men of all ages. In fear of a rebellion, and to fix this problem, the government came up with a solution that is both effective and entertaining, it's called, "The Lucky Ones" Three girls and six boys are placed in a house that is on a deserted island, and every Friday night, one of the boys room will disappear, and the boy inside will be killed in the process." "What kind of game show is this?" shouted one of the boys, but it was too dark in the room to tell who it came from. "Your job boys and girls is to try and figure out whose room is going to disappear, and keep that boy out of their room. Every Friday night one boy is allowed in each of the girls rooms, and there will also be a TV much like this one in the girls room, right before the room disappears and a young man is killed the TV will flick on revealing to you who is that week's unlucky one if you were unable to guess correctly and he is still in his room. Once three boys are gone the other three or the "Lucky Ones" will have the opportunity to marry one of the three girls. Because, as you can imagine you will all become quite close through this...... once in a life time experience. Good luck!" The man exited the screen and the TV was turned off. The lights turned on and a woman walked in, "Please follow me, I will take you to the boats." "We don't even get to say goodbye to our families?" Tailynn asked. "You don't even have a family." Elara sneered. Tailynn shot Elara a harsh glare, and went to punch her but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder "Don't fight her, it's not worth it." Tailynn turned around and saw the most attractive boy in the room, He was tan, tall, and had golden hair that was spiked in the front but it was his beautiful bright blue eyes that really got her, " Who are you?" Tailynn asked. "My name is Collin." He smiled, his teeth were perfect. "I'm Tailynn." She smiled back "It's very nice to meet you Tailynn." He replied, and Tailynn could feel the heat rush to her cheeks. "Wait! I need to get my clothes!" Elara yelled. "Everything you need is at the house," the women calmly replied, "Now let's hurry we don't want to be late." Everyone was silent once again as they walked down the hall and out of the building.

*chapter three*

"Boys you can pick any room on the right side of the hall, Girls you can pick one of the rooms on the left side." They were all standing in a long hall six doors lined one side and 3 on the other. "Boys choose wisely, the room you are in could be the deciding factor between life and death for you, girls it doesn't really matter which room you are in, I will be back in an hour that should give you enough time to get settled, take a shower and put on your nice clothes the camera's will be with me when I return." The lady turned around and walked briskly back down the hall, they all stood in silence until they heard the front door close. "So I guess we better start picking rooms!" Dagan a shorter boy with blonde hair said. He walked towards the 4th door "well this one looks good!" He said and went in closing the door behind him. "I guess I'll pick next." Said a medium sized blonde boy named Jaylen, he walked to the 3rd door and went in but he quickly came back out "On second thought," he said "Two is my lucky number!" He went into the second room and closed the door. A few of the others let out a few nervous laughs at his attempt to break the awkwardness. "I guess I'll just take three." A boy named Harvey with black hair said walking into room three. "Six looks good to me muttered Jonas a boy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. The only rooms left now were one and five. "Um I'll just take one." Whispered an adorable blond boy named Drew that everyone had forgotten was there. He silently walked into the room. "I guess that leaves me with five." Collin said, "See ya in an hour!" He smiled looked over at Tailynn and winked. She blushed again as he walked down the hall to room five. Only the three girls were left in the hall now. "Well I guess I'm taking room three because it's closest to Collins!" Elara said glaring at Tailynn, "He is the most attractive boy and I'm the most attractive girl! There is no doubt that we will end up to together! "I don't really care what room I'm in." Whispered Julie, "Did anyone ask?" Elara snapped, "I'm sorr..." "You don't need to apologize to her." Tailynn cut in. "You can have room three Elara, Julie you take room one and I'll take room two." Elara rolled her eyes at them and gave them the I'm better then all of you look and sassily walked down the hall to room three. "Thanks." Whispered Julie, "No problem," Tailynn responded and they both walked into their separate rooms.

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