chapter 16

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dinner was in the same big dining room as their first night there but so much had changed since then. The empty chair on the other side of the table was almost to much for the contestants and a few of them wiped their eyes before kall came in and they  once again had cameras shoved in their faces as they tried to eat and have natural conversation with one another. when dinner was over they all got up and made their way to the ballroom. The music was already playing and the teens were quickly paired up for the first dance. Dagan and Harvey stood on the side and watched as every one danced. "so are you nervous?" Dagan asked Harvey, "nah anything is Better  then spending any time with Elara." "yeah thanks for throwing me under the bus back there!" Dagan teased. "hey we may have just saved ur life! U should be thanking me!" Harvey teased back. "so who do you like?" Harvey asked turning to look at Dagan. "well I would have to say the girl I went on my first date with." "and who would that be?" Dagan blushed a little "Tailynn. but her and Collin are practically made for each other.and I feel like I shouldn't get close to anyone because I don't want it to be harder for them when I die. What about you?" "well I agree with you Tailynn is great! But Julie has such an adorable personality! Honestly I think both of them!" "oh so you like all the woman" Dagan asked winking. "not all of them! Elara is gorgeous but she is just so.... Ugh..." Dagan laughed. The song was almost over and Julie wished it would never end. As she held drew for what could be the last time. The couple was quiet and the tension was thick around them. Drew felt comfort with Julies touch but he couldn't help but wonder if this was one of their last moments together. "no matter what happens tonight I want you to know that I love you Julie." Drew whispered as the last notes of the song played. Julie smiled. "your going to be fine!" She whispered back encouraging. The song ended and they both left to dance with others******************************The last song ended and Ms. kall called everyone over. "so let's hear the sleeping arrangements for tonight." She said when everyone was standing around her. " "Collin will be with me."Tailynn said smiling. "the short blonde one is with me." Elara said. "you mean Dagan?" Tailynn corrected. " yeah whatever." Elara replied. Tailynn shot her a glare. And Dagan smiled slightly. "and how about you?"ms. kall asked Julie. "Jonas." Julie replied. "well we will send you all off to bed! Goodnight and good luck!" The contestants all turned and left.Julie began the walk to her bedroom with Jonas following close behind. She was aware of Elara yelling at Dagan for something and Tailynn giggling with Collin but her real focus was on Drew as she watched him get closer and closer to a bedroom that in a few hours might not be there anymore. Her heart ached at the thought of not having him with her anymore. She wondered if their dance really would be the last time she talked to him and she regretted not telling him she loved him. Quicker than Julie wanted they reached the hall of rooms and began going inside. Collin and Tailynn disappeared into Tailynn’s room closing the door behind them. Dagan reluctantly followed Elara into hers and Harvey waved goodnight and walked to his. Soon it was only Julie, Jonas, and Drew left standing in the now silent hallway. “I’m gonna run to my room and grab my pajamas and stuff. I’ll be right back.” Jonas said awkwardly and quickly left to walk down the hall. “Well goodnight!” Drew said turning to go into his room. “Goodnight!” Julie replied she went to grab her door knob but then turned around and ran to hug him. “Drew.” Was all she could say before she burst into tears. “Shhh.” Drew comforted. “It’s going to be ok.” When Julie’s sobs had calmed down she pulled away and looked into his eyes. “I love you.” She said . “I love you too he said back. She reached up and touched his cheek gently and he leaned in until their lips touched. It was a quick kiss but it meant everything to both of them. They hugged one last time. “Goodnight!” Drew said again. “Goodnight!” Julie said smiling through her tears. And they both went into their own rooms and closed the door.            “Are you ready for bed?” Collin asked coming out of the bathroom in his pajamas. Tailynn laughed quietly from her bed, “obviously.” She replied smiling. “Man drew was worried.” Collin said sitting down, and combing his fingers through his hair. “So was Julie.” Tailynn replied. “I would be too.” Collin said a concerned look on his face. “Let’s just hope for the best!” Tailynn replied. Collin got into his bed. “Do you care if I leave the lights on?” Tailynn asked. “Nah its fine it’s not like we are gonna be getting any sleep anyways.” Collin replied. Tailynn agreed and they both stared at the TV.            Dagan laid down in bed and tried to think which was hard with all of Elara’s snoring. She had insisted on them watching a movie together and Dagan felt like he needed to go watch a good action movie to get all that chick flick crap out of his head. It was almost worst being in someone’s room because if one of his friends died he knew he would blame himself. He stared quietly at the TV and wished Elara would do the same.            “It’s getting late.” Jonas finally said. “I don’t think anyone is dying tonight.” Julie didn’t take her eyes off the screen. “I know but I don’t want to take my chances of missing it if they do.” “Thanks for letting me stay in here.” Jonas said after a long silence. “I know you would rather have Drew.” Julie turned to look at him and began to feel a little bit guilty. “I’m sorry.” She said softly. “I really am glad you were able to stay in here, you’re a great guy.”  “Thanks, so…” Jonas was cut off and both of them quickly turned their heads back to the screen as it flashed on.-- *****************************************                

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