chapter 15

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Throughout the next few days, the teens found themselves with a lot of free time. At first they were all excited about being able to do whatever they want, but then the thought came to mind that maybe this was just preparing them for something big to come. They really didn't want to find out.*****************************************************************************************************The week was coming to an end as it was now Thursday, and they all knew what that meant. Once Ms.Kall left the dining room Thursday morning, the teens immediately went to work to figure out whose room was going to disappear that night. "Based on last week, I don't think that the order they go in this season, has anything to do with the last season." commented Harvey. "I agree." Julie said with a frown. "Okay, so I guess we're just kind of going on blind luck then." Collin said. "Let's just start with who wants to be in whose room," Tailynn said. "I think the boys should pick." She added with a small smile. "I think that's a wonderful idea." Collin replied smiling back at Tailynn. "I want Collin in my room!!!" Elara yelled. "What part of the guys are picking don't you understand?" Tailynn asked and Elara glared and turned away. "You go first Jonas." "I guess I'll go in Julie's room. Is that okay with you, Julie?" He asked. Julie's eyes snapped up in surprise when Jonas said her name. And she could feel the tense worry in her chest of not having Drew in her room, but she still replied, "Yes, that's fine." Jonas gave her a grateful smile, and she smiled back, some of the worry leaving her. But when she looked over at Drew, he had visibly deflated some, and she had to look away. "How about you Collin?" Tailynn quickly asked. "I'll go in your room, Tailynn." He replied grinning. Tailynn's heart fluttered and she grinned back at him. "Which one of you want to go in Elara's room?" Collin asked, taking his eyes off Tailynn to look at Harvey, Dagan, and Drew. "I love the bed in my room actually! So I think I'll crash there tonight." Drew said quickly, and Julie had to stifle a laugh. "Yeah! You said it, Drew! I'll stay in tonight." Harvey agreed, leaving Dagan without a choice. Elara looked Dagan up and down, "You'll do." She finally decided. "You guys suck." Dagan mumbled under his breath, and Drew and Harvey had to stifle their laughter. "Okay, now that that's settled I suggest we all take naps again, so we can at least get some sleep in the next two days." Collin said with a sad smile, and everyone agreed and headed off to their rooms.********************************************************************************************************Julie laid on her bed for about half an hour, but she couldn't seem to fall asleep. Finally she decided she would take a walk to clear her head. She was so worried about Drew being in his own room tonight, and horrible thoughts about his room disappearing kept creeping into her mind, filling her with regret. But then she thought about how grateful Jonas looked, and she knew there was no way she could just go tell Jonas that she wanted Drew in her room instead. Especially if his room ended up disappearing. Basically, she was stuck. She quietly left her room and walked down the hallway, but as she turned the corner she ran straight into Drew. Both of the teens faces brightened at the sight of one another and smiles formed on their faces. "Hi." Julie said, not knowing what else to say. "Hi." Drew replied, "What're you doing?" he asked. "Oh, I couldn't sleep." "Me either." A moment of silence passed between them. "I'm sorry Drew. I really wanted you in my room tonight but.." "Hey, don't worry about it. There was nothing you could do. It's not like you could've told him no." Drew replied, trying to act less worried than he felt. "You're right.." "Let's just not talk about it." Drew said. "Would you like to join me out in the gardens?" Drew said in a mock-british voice, offering Julie his hand. "Why yes that would be lovely!" Julie replied in a similar tone, "Thank you, kind sir." They both laughed and Julie took Drew's hand as they headed out toward the gardens.*******************************************************************************************************Tailynn had slept for only about 25 minutes when her eyes suddenly snapped open and she sat up. She had been having the most terrible nightmare, about the roles being reversed and the girls were the ones that had to worry about their rooms disappearing. And hers had been the first to disappear. She got up to get a drink, when there was a knock at her door. Tailynn opened it to find Collin standing in the hallway. "Hello!" he said brightly. "Hi!" Tailynn replied, happily surprised by his visit. "Did you come to check out your bed for tonight?" Tailynn asked with a wink. "Of course! Why else would I be here?" he said mischievously. "I have no idea." They laughed lightly at their little jokes, and then just stood in silence gazing at each other lovingly. Tailynn could not believe how quickly things had worked out for the pair. She had thought for sure that she would end up being the one girl that didn't have anyone, but she ended up being the first. *******************************************************************************************************knock knock knock* "Get up everyone!" Ms. Kall called, as she walked scurried down the hallway knocking on each of the teen's bedroom doors. They all groggily got out of their beds and met up out in the hallway. "You have exactly 2 hours to get ready for dinner and the dance will directly follow. Once again, please wear your nicest evening wear." Ms. Kall quickly instructed. For a few moments the teens just stood there, with their eyes droopy and shoulders slumped until Ms. Kall jolted them awake. "Get to it!" Then she turned around and headed back down the hallway. *******************************************************************************************************About a half hour later, all the boys waited out in the hallway dressed in silky black and gray suits. They talked and laughed as they continued to wait for the girls to appear. Ms. Kall had told them that the boys taking the girls to dinner and the dance, would be the same ones that were in their room that night. At that news, Drew became even more upset, but he hid it well as he cracked jokes with the other guys. Then finally Julie walked out, and all the guys went silent as they stared at her. She was wearing a short, frilly, mint blue dress with an embroidered illusion neckline, that looked stunning with her skin and hair color. It was rather refreshing to see a girl wear a short dress rather than the long ones they usually wore. Jonas proudly walked up to Julie and held out his arm for her, as she took it he said "You look gorgeous." Julie smiled at the compliment and thanked him, then they made their way to the dining room. Drew stared longingly at the back of Julie's head. Next Tailynn walked out of her room, and Collin's eyes lit up at the sight of her in a gorgeous, almost indescribable, green dress with gold embellishments on it. "You look amazing, m'lady." Collin said coolly. Tailynn blushed as she grabbed his hand, "So do you." They smiled at each other and continued to talk softly as they walked down the hallway. Nearly 5 minutes later, Elara finally came out of her room. She wore a very poofy, one sleeve, red ballgown. It looked like something you would see a model wearing on the runway. Dagan reluctantly walked up to her and tried his best at a compliment. "You have sense." "You don't" she replied matter of factly. "I'm aware." he replied with a tight smile. "Let's just go." Elara huffed as she sped ahead of him down the hallway. Drew nudged Harvey's arm "Let's go beautiful." he said jokingly. "Coming sweetheart." Harvey replied, as they both laughed and made their way down the hallway.

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