chapter 13

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After they had finished their lunches, they started the hike back to the house. Everyone was mostly silent for the entire hike because they were all still trying to wrap their heads around what had just happened to them. By the time they finally got back to the the house there was only about two hours left until dinner. “Please take this time before dinner to get cleaned up for dinner,” Ms. Kall said, “and wear your nicest evening clothes for dinner tonight! We will be meeting in the dining room.” Once she finished giving instructions to the teens they all separated to their rooms, eager to be clean again. All they guys were showered and ready in about 15 minutes so they all decided to play a game of basketball outside on the basketball court. “Three against two! I want Drew and Dagan!” Collin Called. “Fine with me!” Harvey replied, “Just don’t be too disappointed when Me and Jonas win!” They played until they were all sweaty and gross once again, but their second showers only took 10 minutes this time, and they still had about 45 minutes to spare. “Hey, Drew. Let’s play a game of pool!” Collin said to Drew. “Cool.” Drew replied, following him upstairs to the game room. “So, who are you interested in?” Collin asked casually. “You mean, like the girls?” Drew asked. “No which guy do you think is the hottest? Yes the girls!” Collin laughed and Drew joined in. “Just making sure man! Because if you answered different I was planning on getting as far away as I could!” They laughed again, acting like they had been best friends since birth. “I like Julie.” Drew finally said. “Yeah?” “Yeah, there’s just something about her. We have a lot in common, and she’s very nice and-” “Attractive?” Collin smiled. “Yeah, that too.” Drew said smiling. “She really is gorgeous isn’t she?...Anyways what about you? Which girl do you like? If you say Julie I’m gonna smack you.” Drew said in mock seriousness, before laughing again with Collin. “No, Julie’s really great, but you two deserve each other. Besides, Tailynn is amazing.” “I knew it! I could see it the first day.” Drew said. “Yeah man, she’s perfect. I can see myself marrying her one know if I don’t...I mean as long as I-” “I know what you mean.” Drew cut him off, not wanting to get into that subject. “Yeah...but if something happens to me,” Collin continued, “ just take care of her man. I don’t expect you to marry her yourself but just makes sure she ends up with someone that will be good to her and respe-” “Woah man, no chick flick talks!” Drew and Collin laughed lightly again. “I will Collin, but nothings going to happen to you.” Drew replied, serious again. “Thanks, it means a lot.” “No problem.” They “bro-hugged” and continued their game of pool.*********************************************************************************************************knock knock* Tailynn walked over to her door and opened it to see Julie standing outside. They only had about half an hour until dinner but Julie and Tailynn weren’t in their evening gowns quite yet. “Hi.” Tailynn said smiling. “Hi, can you help me? I can’t decide what to wear tonight and ,for some reason, I feel like looking amazing tonight.” Julie spilled. “Of course!” Tailynn replied, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me a question like this!” They walked side-by-side down the hall to Julie’s room. “So, what do you think is the special occasion tonight? Do you have any ideas from past season.” Tailynn asked. “Not really, every season they do different things during different times so it could be anything really. But we were told to wear evening wear, so it must be something special.” Julie replied. “What did they do at this time last season?” “Last season they had to wear gym clothes to dinner and then they played a game of basketball and the winning team got to eat first.” “Wow, that’s...weird.” “Tell me about it!” Julie and Tailynn laughed, “I’m glad we don’t have to do that. Besides, I like dressing up.” Julie said. “Me too.” Tailynn agreed. Julie opened the door to her room and led Julie to her walk-in closet. Their rooms were exactly the same on the inside, just opposite. “So I was trying to decide between these two.” Julie said, pulling two dress from the right side of her closet and laying them on the bed meant for the guy that stays in there on fridays. One dress was a long, simple, yellow dress with a lace illusion neckline, the other was a long, pastel pink. sleeveless dress with a simple band below the bust. “Wow they are both gorgeous dresses,” Tailynn commented, “but I think you should wear the pink.” “You think so? The pink is actually the one I wanted to wear, but I couldn’t decide whether or not I would look good in pink.” “I think you will look amazing in pink! Especially with your hairstyle.” Tailynn said. Julie had her long blonde hair done up in a very intricate, gorgeous bun. “Thanks, Tailynn.” Tailynn smiled, “It’s my pleasure! Well, I should probably go get into my dress, meet me outside my room.” “Sounds great! Thanks again Tailynn!” “You’re welcome, and you can call me Tay. That’s what my little brother always called me.”*******************************************************************************************************In a record ten minutes, Julie was dressed and waiting by Tailynn’s door. Which opened only moments later. “You look gorgeous, Tay!” Julie said in excitement when Tailynn came out of her room. She chose a  long, strapless, blue-green ombre gown with silver beading on the top. And her soft brown hair cascaded her shoulders in curls. “Thank you, I really love this dress.” “It’s way cute!” Julie agreed. Suddenly Elara’s bedroom door opened and she joined Tailynn and Julie in the hallway. “Hello girls! Like my dress? It’s amazing isn’t it??” Elara said, unusually perky. Her dress was a long, red, silk, strapless gown with a ruffle-back. And she had paired it with extremely tall, strappy, black heels. “It’s Oscar de la Renta!” Elara exclaimed. “It’s got a lot of what??” Tailynn asked. “It was designed by Oscar de la Renta!!!” Elara replied, obviously annoyed. “It’s great.” Julie said, in an effort to be nice. “I know!” Elara said, before she turned and walked away as quickly as she could in those heels. Julie and Tailynn were silent for a minute, watching her walk around the corner. As soon as she got around the girls burst out laughing. “Whatever!” Tailynn laughed. In their fits of laughter they hadn’t noticed Drew and Collin come down the hallway, in the suits and ties. The boys stood quietly a few feet away just admiring the sight in front of them, until Julie noticed them and she stopped laughing. “Oh, hi guys!” She said, as she did Tailynn also stopped laughing and turned around to see them. “Oh, hi!” Tailynn also said. “Hey,” Collin smirked. “we just found out from Ms. Kall that each girl is supposed to have an escort to dinner. Tailynn?” Collin said offering Tailynn his arm. “Thank you,” Tailynn replied looping her arm through his, “You look very handsome tonight by the way.” “Why, thank you, Miss.” He replied in a mock- british voice. “And might I say that you are looking quite ravishing tonight as well.” “Thank you good sir!” They both laughed lightly as they walked down the hall. “Shall we, Julie?” Drew asked in that same funny tone, offering his hand. “We shall.” Julie replied they laughed too and headed towards the dining room. *******************************************************************************************************

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