chapter 14

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The 4 walked downstairs to the dining room but there was no one there. “Where is everyone?” Julie asked, confused. “ Well I guess it got cancelled!” Tailynn said turning around, “That's to bad.” “Why are you so cool about it?” Collin asked. “This is dinner!” Tailynn was silent for a moment before responding to his question. “What if dinner is as sick and twisted as that stupid hike?” she finally said. “It will be fine!” Collin said pulling her closer. “We will protect you two!” Drew said looking over at Julie and smiling.  “Oh speaking of the hike, I need to talk to you about something.” Tailynn whispered to Collin, “Anything!” he replied smiling. Before Tailynn could say anything they were interrupted by Ms. Kall attempting to run in her very tall high heels, down the hall. “There you are! You’re late! You need to get outside right now!!” everyone looked at each other and Drew shrugged his shoulders. “Well come on!” Ms. Kall yelled over her shoulder, as she tried to run back towards the patio doors. The teens quickly followed behind her, not quite sure what they were getting themselves into.When they got outside they gasped, the patio and the surrounding gardens were beautifully decorated with sparkling strings of diamonds, flower arrangements, and twinkling lights. “It’s beautiful.” Julie whispered. “Yes you are.” Drew replied staring at Julie. Julie was too busy admiring the gorgeous decorations to even comprehend what Drew actually said but, Collin realizednwhat Drew was talking about and laughed quietly then looked over at Tailynn who was making the same face of wonderment as Julie. “We don't have time to stare!” Ms. Kall screeched. “Come sit down!” They hustled over and took a seat at the long table, where all the other teens were already sitting nervously. The table was beautifully decorated with crystals, candles, and soft pink flower arrangements. The cameras immediately started filming and the teens waited impatiently for an explanation of what they would be doing. “Hello!” Ms. Kall said in the voice the teens had come to know as her “T.V. voice”. “And welcome to the Lucky Ones! Our contestants are all here with me in this beautifully decorated location to have dinner and then spend the evening on the beach of the gorgeous ocean that surrounds us.” The contestants looked around at each other in excitement. “Let’s eat!” she finished. Right on cue, the waiters came through the doors and soon the table was filled with delicious looking food. Everyone dug in and ate quickly and quietly. When they were finished, Ms. Kall stood up again. “That was wonderful as usual and it looks like the contestants enjoyed it!” She looked around and smiled at them and they smiled back. Now the girls will each pick two boys to spend their evening with. One boy will go with one girl for half the time and then the other girl for the other half. Elara how about you go ahead and pick first.” She smiled, gesturing to Elara. “I pick Collin and Harvey.” She smiled confidently and pulled them both over to stand by her. “We are going to have the best night ever!” She said smiling. Harvey forced a smile but everyone knew he was internally screaming. “Ok now Julie, go ahead and pick two boys. Remember that you can still pick one of the boys that Elara has already chosen.” “Drew,” Julie said immediately, Drew smiled and walked over to stand by her.  “And..” She looked around at the other boys, who were waiting with expectant faces. “Dagan.” Dagan grinned at her, glad to be picked, and walked over to stand on the other side of her. “Now Tailynn, you will be with Jonas, and you can also choose any boy that has already picked.” “Collin.” She replied smiling. “Okay!” Ms. Kall said. “Wonderful! Tailynn you can start with Jonas, Elara start with Collin, and Julie you start with Dagan. All the other boys can stay here and hang out for a little while. You may do whatever you would like, but be back in an hour.”**********************************************************************************************Collin and Elara had walked a little ways off to a group of trees far from the water, because Elara didn't want to get her dress wet. They sat in silence for a while before Elara quietly said, “Thank you for getting me out of that hole today.” “It was no problem.” Collin replied. They sat in awkward silence again. "It's really hard being so attractive."Elara finally said. "What do you mean?" Collin replied, not quite sure where Elara was headed with a statement like that. "Well we have to marry each other because we are both the most attractive people here! I mean it would be nice if we had a choice --" "We do have a choice!" Collin exclaimed. " Elara, you can choose whoever you want as long as he isn't dead!" Elara stared at him, surprised by his outburst. "When I got here my parents told me that if I didn't marry you they wouldn't accept me back into the family, because none of the other boys were good enough for my family." "That's awful." Collin replied. "I don't have a chance of dying," Elara said, but if I leave here without you then everything I have is gone. And believe me I don't do good without my stuff! Especially my clothes! And you don't want to see me in a bad mood!" Collin silently laughed to himself, because she really wasn’t all that great in a good mood. "Elara," He quietly said when she had finished her rant. "I want to help you, I really do. But... I can't marry you if i don't love you and I don't even know if I am getting out of here alive." "Why won't you just see that we are meant to be?!?" Elara yelled standing up and stomping back to the house. "Elara!" Collin called after her but she didn't turn around. "Well that went well..." Collin said to himself before getting up and heading back towards the house.*******************************************************Tailynn and Jonas decided to go to this big rock down the shore a little ways so that they could sit and watch the sunset. Once they were sitting on top they sat in silence for a few moments. "It’s is so beautiful." Jonas finally said. "Yes it is." Tailynn agreed, "Can I ask you something?" "Depends on what it is." Jonas replied winking. "What does it feel like to be a guy in..all of this?" Jonas was quiet for a moment as he contemplated his answer, before finally replying, "It's terrible. You never know if this is your last week or your last day and if it is... then you have to spend it here. And lets be honest, this place sucks." Tailynn nodded in agreement. "And even if you don't die here then you make friends that could..and you have to choose someone to spend your whole life with and you only have three options! Not that you guys are bad options!" he quickly added and Tailynn laughed, "Nice save." She teased and they both laughed. The sun was almost down now and the sky was colored in beautiful reds, pinks, and oranges. "We should probably start heading back." Jonas said once the sun was gone and the sky was left a dark blue color. Tailynn agreed and they started back towards the house. *********************************************************Dagan and Julie chose to go down right by the water, and they waded in it as the talked. Julie loved the feel of the water rushing over here feet and then quickly receding, only to come back a few moments later and do it all again. It was a very relaxing routine. “I was really excited that we got paired together for the hike today.” Dagan said, after a few minutes of silence as they watched the waves. “Me too.” Julie replied with a soft smile. “I had no idea you had such an awesome sense of humor!” He said, grinning his usual grin. “Thanks,” Julie said, “I had a lot of fun today. I think we got the best route out of the four.” “Definitely.” Dagan agreed, “If you had fallen down a hole or started to drown, I’m not quite sure what I would’ve done!” “But you can handle me suddenly jumping into a tree.” Julie said, winking and Dagan laughed. “Yes, that I can handle. But the truth is...I’ve never been very good in emergency situations. I always seem to be that crazy guy that freaks out and runs around in circles screaming.” They both laughed at the thought of such a sight. “Remind me to never get myself into emergency situations when I’m with you!” Julie said, still laughing nearly to tears. “I wonder why no one else wanted to come down by the water,” Julie commented, once their laughter had faded away. “it’s so nice down her.” “The other girls probably didn’t want their dresses getting wet!” Dagan said winking. “But you don’t seem worried about it at all.” They both looked down at the bottom of Julie’s dress, which was soaked about an inch up by now. “Well, it’s not really mine, so I don’t really care!” Julie laughed. Dagan joined in her laughter and just looked at her in admiration.**************************************************************************************************Everyone was back at the house again and it was time for them to head off with their second date. "But first," Ms. Kall said, "gp ahead inside and change out of your fancy clothes and put something more comfortable on, but hurry!" The contestants all sighed with relief and ran inside to their rooms. When they came back out, Julie was wearing Peach colored pants and a cute white lace shirt. Elara had changed into a bright red cocktail dress and even higher heels, and Tailynn was wearing a simple white sun dress. Collin had put on jeans and a white shirt with a blue cardigan, Drew was wearing a light blue V neck with tan pants and Harvey had picked out a galaxy shirt with navy skinny jeans. The other boys figured they were done for the night and decided to just stay in their rooms. "You can spend as much time out there as you like! But please try to be in before curfew.”****************************************************Julie and Drew walked quietly through the maze of gardens, before Drew finally spoke up “So how your hike with,” He hesitated a moment before saying the other boys name, “Dagan?” The reason Drew was so hesitant to talk about the other boy was because he knew he had developed feelings for Julie, and that had caused a small pit of jealousy to form in his chest. “It was pretty fun I guess, at least we didn’t have to go swimming or exploring in caves!” She replied. “Yeah, I’m glad all I had to do was bake a cake!” Drew joked and Julie laughed softly. “I think you definitely got the easiest job of the day!” They had gone silent once again, but this time Julie spoke up, seeming like she had something she had been waiting to say for days, “Do you like me, Drew?” Drew snapped his head up to look at Julie, “What??” “I’m sorry, it was so out of the blue..but I just really want to know.” “Julie I...I think you’re amazing.” Drew finally said, and Julie smiled in relief and excitement.“You are the most beautiful, funny, lovely girl I have ever met. And I mean that with all my heart. And...i-if I make it out of this alive..I would really love to get to know you even better.” “Why wait until then?” Julie asked with a smile. Drew got a huge grin on his face and he brought his hand up to Julie’s cheek and leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. Julie’s arms slid around Drew’s neck as their kiss went on and Drew moved his arms down to wrap around her waist and they could feel each other smiling in the kiss. And in that moment, everything was made perfect in their worlds.******************************************************************************************************************"Guess what!" Elara said dramatically, "What?" Harvey asked, actually genuinely interested for a split second. "Collin totally rejected me!" "Oh that's horrible." Harvey replied in a monotone voice, losing all interest in the conversation. "I just don't understand why! I mean I’m perfect!!! And every guy at home wanted me!!! Maybe he is just blind or deaf or something! Why wouldn't he like me?! He needs to like--" "Elara!" Harvey finally exclaimed in frustration, cutting her sentence short. "How about we don't talk about Collin for like the rest of tonight??" Elara stared at him stunned but then slowly nodded her head. "Ok." She sniffled. "Thank you!" Harvey exclaimed. "So," Elara said, "How about you tell me about yourself then." "Sounds great!” Harvey realized he was still shouting, and brought his voice down to a normal volume, “ Well, my full name is Harvey Halko and I live on a farm........"*************************************************************Collin and Tailynn walked down the shore not knowing where they were going. Suddenly Tailynn moved in front of Collin and turned to face him, he stopped quickly, "Collin," Tailynn said and her voice started to shake. "Harvey kissed me today, on that stupid hike, and I feel terrible because Collin I love you!" She suddenly stopped looking surprised at the fact that she had actually said it, Collin stared at her, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I mean why would you like me? When you have perfect Elara, you two are like meant for each other and you ever liking me is just false hope its just..." She was cut off when Collin put his finger up to her lips. "Tailynn Winder." Collin said taking his finger down, "Thank you for being so much braver then me." Tailynn looked confused, "You know what, I'll skip the long speech about how I have been trying to tell you and just say, Tailynn I love you." "You do?" Tailynn asked, her lips slowly forming a smile. "Yes I do!" He replied, Tailynn ran and hugged him and Collin picked her up and span her around. When he set her down they stared at each other for a second and then Collin slowly began to lean in until his soft lips pressed against hers, they shared a slow kiss before they pulled away. They both smiled, "You are shaking!" Collin exclaimed, "Yeah I'm a little cold," Tailynn replied, Collin took off his blue cardigan and wrapped it around Tailynn. Wow look at the stars!" Tailynn pointed up and Collin followed her finger up, suddenly a shooting star shot across the sky and Tailynn smiled. Collin sat down on the sand and so did Tailynn, he put his arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder and quickly drifted off to sleep.******************************************************"We have been looking for you everywhere!" Julie ran over to where Collin and Tailynn were both fast asleep. They both started awake, Collin still had his arm around Tailynn and she was still laying on his shoulder. "Ms. Kall is freaking out! do you know what time it is?" Drew said following Julie over to where they were. "Sorry I guess we fell asleep." Collin said trying to wake up. "Well come on!" Julie said helping Tailynn up. "We gotta get you two back." Drew offered Collin his hand, "Did you tell her?" He whispered, Collin just smiled and Drew slapped him on the back with a grin. Tailynn gave Julie a look and Julie understood they smiled at each other and they all began walking back toward the house. ***************************************************************************************************************************

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