chapter 10

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​The doors slowly opened and one by one, the 8 teens stepped into the hall. Everyone’s eyes were red and faces were streaked with tears, everyone but Elara who looked just fine, she was wearing the black dress that Ms. Kall had brought them all this morning. She looked over and noticed that Julie wasn’t wearing her funeral clothes. “Why aren’t you wearing the black dress?” she said glaring. “Because.” Julie said quietly, “It’s not what Jaylen would want.” Drew gently put his arm around her shoulder as more tears welled up in her eyes. “You aren’t wearing the right color either!” Elara said to him, “You guys are going to look ridiculous out there!” Elara noticed something and looked up, no one was wearing black but her, everyone was wearing red. “I think you’re the only one that’s going to look ridiculous.” Drew said snidely and turned around to walk down the hall with Julie. Everyone stared at his sudden outburst, but then followed him toward the living room.  ​In the living room there were 9 chairs set up in a semi-circle. In the middle was a black cloth covering a picture on an easel. Everyone took a seat and Ms. Kall walked to the front of the room wear all the cameras sat. “What are you wearing?” She said angrily, looking around at all the teens. No one answered, “Whatever it’s too late to change now.” She moved to the middle and counted down the camera time. “Hello everyone and welcome to the Lucky Ones. Last night a room disappeared taking a young man with it, we are all saddened by this loss but we know it was necessary in order to obey our government.” She paused and then pulled the black cloth off of the picture; It was a portrait of Jaylen. Sobs could be heard from the contestants. “Last night Jaylen was taken from us,” Ms. Kall said sadly. “He will be missed greatly, Now we will let his friends and fellow contestants talk about him and their memories with him.” She went and sat down in the extra chair next to Elara. It was silent for a moment and then Elara stood up. “Jaylen,” she said clearing her throat, “died for a good cause. He is dead because the government wants him to be and that’s good enough reason for me, we should not take this time to remember him but to remember how blessed we are to have a government that would do so much for us, Thank you.” she said, then walked back to her seat and sat down, earning some glares from the others. Jonas stood up next, “Jaylen was a great guy, I’m going to miss how he could make me laugh." He said then sat back down. Next Dagan stood up. He walked to the front of the room and looked at all of them, then wiped a tear from his eye. “Jaylen,” He said, “Was my best friend, when you were all at your beach date me and Jaylen were eating in the kitchen and we laughed so hard our drinks were coming out our noses. I don’t know what I’m going to do without him,” Dagan turned to look at the picture of Jaylen, “Goodbye buddy.” He whispered as tears began streaming down his face, “Don’t lose your sense of humor.” Then he went and sat back down. Tailynn stood up next. “I didn’t know Jaylen very well, but every time I saw him he made me laugh somehow, no one deserves to die like that Jaylen, especially not you. Jaylen’s family, if you are watching this I want you to know that I know what it feels like to lose a family member. The pain you are feeling is never going to go away, but Jaylen wouldn’t want you to be sad, live your lives happily because that’s what he would want.” She looked at his picture for a moment and then sat back down. Next was Collin, “Jaylen was the funniest guy I know, I think we will all remember him for that. It's crazy to think that he is gone and I think we are all going to laugh a little less without are going to missed.” He said glancing over at the picture, “And never forgotten.” He whispered. Then he walked back over and took his seat. Harvey stood up quietly and slowly walked to the front he stood facing the picture of Jaylen, “It should be my picture up up here.” He whispered then he broke out in tears. “That should be me!” He said angrily, Tailynn rushed up to the front of the room and put her arm around his shoulder, “Everything is going to be ok.” She whispered as she led him back to his seat while he cried. Julie stood up next. She just stood there for a second before she said, “ I got the privilege of knowing Jaylen pretty well, he loved Disney movies and the color red. Jaylen was always there to put a smile on my face and I felt like he really understood me. He was the best friend I have ever had." She whispered, “You found where you belong.” She began to cry and Drew hurried up to her and hugged her, “Jaylen was a great example of how to find the best in a bad situation," Drew said while holding Julie, “and I think he would want us to do that now.” He led Julie back to her seat and kept his arm around her as she cried. “Well it looks like everyone has spoken so we will end the funeral,” Ms. Kall said standing up. “Goodbye Jaylen,” She said as she put the black cloth back over his picture, “Remember why he died, because the government knows best!” she ended and the cameras turned off. “The rest of the day is yours.” She said quickly and hurried out of the room with all the camera men closely behind her. “What do you want to do?” Tailynn asked Harvey who had stopped crying, “I just want to go to bed.” He replied, Tailynn stood up and Harvey followed her out of the living room and towards his room. Collin and Dagan followed them out a few seconds later, followed by Jonas and Elara. Only Julie and Drew were left. They sat for a while as Julie cried. Once her tears started slowing down and her sobs got quieter Drew leaned closer and whispered, “Remember last night, when I told you I had my eye on a girl?... well that girl is you.” He said and he gently kissed her cheek. Julie wiped her tears and looked into his eyes with a sad smile. Then she stood up and walked over to the easel. Drew stood up and followed her. She lifted the black cloth and looked at Jaylen one last time, she kissed her fingers then slowly placed them on his cheek. “Goodbye,” She whispered then she turned around and grabbed Drew’s hand. “Don’t ever leave me.” She whispered. “I won’t.” He whispered back and they left the room.​Harvey’s door opened and Tailynn carefully walked out and shut the door quietly behind her. “Is he asleep?” Collin, who was leaning up against the wall asked, startling her. “Um yeah he is.” She replied, “How was Elara’s room last night?” She asked him. He rolled his eyes, “Terrible!" He said “I was “Sick” In the bathroom all night until I heard her snoring.” “She snores?” Tailynn asked, a laugh forming it her throat. “So loud.” Collin replied smiling and Tailynn laughed quietly. They sat in silence for a second. “You know.” Tailynn finally said. “I don’t think you ever told me about yourself on our walk.” “I guess we will just have to take another one.” Collin said with a sly smile. “I think I can fit it in.” Tailynn joked. Collin laughed and they began to walk down the hall together.

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