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THE TRAIN WHISTLE RANG through my ears as the wind blew through my hair—just moments after it pulled into the station

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THE TRAIN WHISTLE RANG through my ears as the wind blew through my hair—just moments after it pulled into the station. Grabbing both my bags and his, Jack made his way over to the nearest door and climbed onto the train—me following just behind him.

"Thank you, Jack," I said sweetly. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, but I wanted to," Jack smiled and shrugged. "Mum always told me to be a gentleman."

I smiled and led both myself and Jack to an open seat where we could sit across from one another. Once we found our seat, Jack took care of our bags while I took a seat and began to gaze longingly out the window.

I watched as the smoke rose from beneath the train creating a cloud of white to illuminate the setting. I then noticed a lonely woman sitting on a nearby bench. She looked to be in about her mid-twenties, and was twiddling her fingers carelessly. Suddenly, a man snuck behind her and wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in a hug. The woman's face immediately lit up with joy as she turned around and jumped in his arms.

And of course, my mind went back to that moment. The moment in the field where it was just Gilbert and I. In that moment, we were the only people in the world. I needed to find him.

I needed him.

"Earth to Samantha," Jack hollered, causing me to snap out of the daze I hadn't realized I was in. "Blimey, I thought you had fell asleep with your eyes open."

I giggled, shrugging it off, "I have many talents, but that is not one of them."

"Many talents, huh?" Jack said, smirking and crossing his arms. "Let's see them."

"No way," I refused, shaking my head. "Not here."

"Why not?" Jack asked. "Are you scared?"

"Never," I said, narrowing my eyebrows at the boy.

"Well then," Jack said, amused with my reaction. "What are you waiting for?"

I scrunched up my nose and stuck my tongue out at the boy, then straightened my posture, "Hey, Jack, can you sing with your mouth completely closed?"

"What?" Jack asked, taken aback.

"Watch this," I said, giggling and taking a deep breath. I then began to sing. The words came out slightly muffled, but only slightly.

I watched as Jacks eyes grew wide with both curiosity and astonishment. When I finished, he attempted to preform the act, but all he could manage to do was hum a few words that I wasn't able to make out.

"That was a good try," I said. "But you'll need some practice."

"Bloody hell," Jack muttered while out of breath. "I don't know how you could possible do that. It was bloody brilliant!"

"Thank you," I said, giggling. "I learned it from-"

I then stopped, my ears immediately fixating on a muffled voice from a distance away. The voice was familiar; almost like a song replaying in my head. It sounded like a dear friend, but it was hard to capture because I hadn't seen any of my friends back home in a long, long time.

"I'll be right back," I told Jack, causing him to nod and open up a book he had been reading.

I then got up, my eyes shifting from compartment to compartment trying to figure out where that voice had come from.

My heart beat quickened as I rapidly tried to push through the bodies of people, causing them to give me scolding glances. But, I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was finding that voice.

Finally, after what seemed like several minutes of searching, I had finally spotted a figure sitting not too far away from me. Even though I only was able to see the back of the persons head, I could distinctly feel the tension between the two of us. I couldn't even find the words to describe it.

One foot in front of the other, I made my way towards the familiar figure. Slowly but surely, I came to a stop just slightly behind. With a lift of my finger, I tapped the shoulder of the figure, causing its head to turn.

"Oh my god," I muttered, my eyes widening and beginning to water.

My heart beat slowed, as I looked at the boy with both sadness and joy. Never had I expected to see him, and never had I thought we would see each other ever again.

"Jerry?" I asked, smiling at the brown eyes boy. "Jerry Baynard? Is that really you?"

Jerry stood, his mouth dropping and his eyes widening in shock, "Samantha?"

I immediately engulfed him in a hug, tightly embracing my friend who I had not seen in what seemed like forever. Never had I thought I would ever see anyone from Avonlea again, but here I was with one of my closest friends.

"I can't believe it's really you," Jerry spoke, his voice trembling. "It has been so long."

"Too long," I corrected, smiling brightly. "You've grown up, huh?"

"Well, you could say so." He said, his cheeks reddening. "And you, what have they done to you?"

I laughed and smiled, glancing down at the floor while running a hand through my hair, "I guess you could say that they have dolled me up quite a bit."

"Quite," Jerry said, laughing. "What have you been up to all this time? And please don't say having tea parties."

I laughed and shook my head, "No, no tea parties. But I did make some new friends. One of them is on the train with me right now. Would you like to meet him?"

"Sure," Jerry said, smiling and following me back over to my seat, where Jack was fixating his eyes onto his book.

"Hey, Jack," I said, snapping him out of his alternate world. "I would like you to meet an old friend of mine."

"Hello," Jerry said, reaching out his hand. "I'm Jerry, Jerry Baynard."

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Jerry," Jack said, smiling and shaking his hand. "I'm Jack."

Throughout the train ride, the three of us talked for what seemed like hours upon end. Each of us learned something new about one another that day, and Jack and Jerry seemed to become good friends.

I had never thought I would actually be able to find one of my old friends again, let alone see one of them for the first time in ages. It brought a reassuring warmth to my heart that I could have hope in finding the rest of them.

I could have hope in finding him.


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