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JUST A FEW HOURS BEFORE SUNRISE, I had gathered the three boys in my room to discuss my idea

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JUST A FEW HOURS BEFORE SUNRISE, I had gathered the three boys in my room to discuss my idea. I had a creative mind, and all night I had planned how I was going to successfully escape my parents mansion. It was going to take a group effort, but since the four of us are a comparable group, my plan might actually work.

"I have a really bad idea," I began as the four of us sat on my unusually large bed in a circle formation. "It involves me leaving along with the three of you, and it might actually work."

"So, what are you waiting for?" Thomas asked, smirking at me. "What's the plan?"

"Okay," I started, looking up at the four of them then setting down a letter right in the middle of the circle. "It all is going to start with this letter."

"What does it say?" Charlie asked, picking it up and reading it himself.

Dear Mother and Father,
I know we only got to spend a very short time together, but I cannot handle living in this house all my myself. I need to see the world for myself. I need to experience things that I can only dream about. I hope you understand that I love you dearly, but this is my choice. Please don't try to come find me, I just want to live my life.
Samantha Darling

"Samantha Darling?" Charlie questioned, looking back down at the letter and reading it over. "Who is that?"

"That was my name before I moved in here," I explained to them. "It was my name as an orphan, and I think it suited me better than Samantha Vanderbilt."

"Samantha Darling," Thomas repeated, over and over. "I really like that."

I giggled and shook my head, continuing with the plan, "I am going to place the letter on my bed. Now, my parents would never let me leave if I was here, so I will first need to sneak out."

"I like the sound of that," Andrew said, smirking devilishly.

"Good," I said, smiling brightly. "Because you are the second part of my escape."

"Really?" Andrew said excitedly. "What do you want me to do? Fight any bad guys?"

The three of us laughed but I shook me head, "No, not exactly. That would be very cool, but we won't need that in this situation. What I want you to do is when my parents get everything ready to go, I want you to ask to go to the bathroom."

"What?" Andrew asked, slightly disappointed the task I assigned to him.

"Let me finish," I said, playfully shoving him and laughing it off. "I want you to ask to go to the bathroom, then sneak out of the back window. I then want you to get into the car before the rest of us do."

"Alright," Andrew said, nodding and smiling.

"Now, Thomas, I'm going to need to borrow some of your clothes for this next part." I said, turning to Thomas. "I am going to pretend to be Andrew while we leave the house. The two of us are about the same height, and with a hat on, they won't be able to notice it was me."

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