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five x combat isn't that hard


The voice came from Eydis, who strode forward with a wide grin. "This will be fun," she added, which served only to make Laufey more angry. Kari gave her a cheer.

"Try not to get too much blood on yourself," she called with a wide grin, which made Laufey switch his gaze to her.

"Be quiet," he ordered.

"Formal single combat has no rules about commentary," Kari shot back before her brother could say anything, and Thor laughed.

"Princess Kari is right, Laufey. The rules only say that onlookers may not interfere, but we can certainly talk during it," he said with a smirk, and Laufey swore under his breath before gesturing a warrior forward.

A ring of Jotuns formed a half-circle around the chosen warrior and Eydis, watching closely to make sure Eydis didn't cheat. If their own cheated, they would most likely cheer, Kari noted, but she felt confident in Eydis' prowess in combat, especially single. If Eydis hadn't been ready for this, Thor would have surely forbidden her from it -- not that their brothers' rules or opinions stopped Kari or Eydis from doing anything.

"You may begin," Laufey announced after Thor nodded his approval. Laufey might have been the one attacking, but he knew better then to anger Thor right then. This was still Thor's territory, and Laufey knew what Loki and Kari -- now revealed to be his children -- were capable of with sorcery.

Eydis watched as the Frost Giant circled her with a taunting voice. "Come on, girl, make a move," he said with a mocking voice, trying to draw her into a rash move. Eydis simply watched in seeming mild boredom, eyeing him. "Or are you too scared to?"

"No," she answered lightly, before turning lightning fast to lash out with her sword. The Jotun caught it between his hands, smirking as ice crept along the blade. Eydis' eyes widened fractionally, before she dropped the blade right as the ice reached the hilt. The Jotun cast it aside with a laugh, then advanced on her. She drew a gleaming dagger from behind her back and tossed it at him. He swept it aside, then suddenly found himself on the ground.

Eydis grinned, having dropped to the ground and kicked his legs out from under him. In an instant, before he could get up, she had pounced on him, holding another dagger to his throat, ready to slit it. He shoved her off with his strength that was stronger than hers, and lashed out with a growl, but she had already rolled away before he could hurt her.

She barely noticed the cut he had opened on her arm before feinting a throw at him which he instantly moved to block, leaving his lower area, including his stomach, vulnerable. She took advantage of that, lunging forward to drive her dagger home. Just as quickly, he swiped at her, knocking the blade away, leaving her weaponless now.

The Jotun circled Eydis, a victorious smirk on his lips, thinking he had already won victory. His grin faded as she returned his smirk, clearly unfazed. She feinted another lunge, laughing as he flinched, which drove him to anger. He lunged back at her, knocking her to the ground, hand on her throat as he growled.

Kari started from the side, her eyes widening a little. 'Come on, Eydis, I know you can defeat him,' she urged.

Eydis was too busy grasping for the knife she knew was nearby to respond. She felt it under her hand as the Jotun tightened his grip, and closed her fingers around it, before jerking it forward and upwards in a thrust that drove it into his heart. The Jotun's grip slackened considerably as his eyes widened, and she shoved his already-limp body off her.

Kari sauntered over to give her a hand up, a proud smirk on her face. "Good job," she praised.

"Wasn't that hard," Eydis said, which made Kari laugh.

Laufey growled, his eyes flashing at the sight of his dead warrior. Thor stifled a laugh, then called out, "One combat down."

"Come on," Kari called, almost arrogantly, as Eydis left to stand at her brother's side.

Laufey nodded to his other warrior, who moved towards Kari instantly in an attack, not bothering to wait for the signal because of the rage coursing through him at the death of his brother. Kari deflected his ice with her hand, which caused it to turn blue. "Oh, hey, look, I can do that too!" She said cheerfully, smirking as she shot ice right back.

The giant simply waved it, and held out his hand. A dagger made of ice formed, and he smirked, advancing on Kari again. "You will pay for the death of my brother," he growled, which contrasted with the smirk.

"He really deserved to die though," Kari answered innocently, pulling out one of her own daggers. The Jotun growled yet again, which only further amused her. "You really do like growling, don't you?"

"Foolish child!" He spat, and lunged forward with his dagger, which Kari sidestepped to avoid and attacked with her own. He parried it easily, and struck again, which she deflected, knocking the dagger out of his hand and tried to thrust hers in his side. He narrowly avoided it by stepping back, and they circled each other carefully, each eyeing the other.

Kari had a grin on her lips as she tossed a dagger at him, which he easily deflected, followed immediately by a second one that caught him in the chest as he lowered his arm. The giant stumbled back, fingers grasping at the hilt weakly before he collapsed to the ground.

With a snarl, Laufey started forward, but Loki raised his hand and a force field surrounded the four royals. "Remember the terms, Laufey," he called coldly, though a smirk was present. "If we won, you would withdraw and never attack Asgard nor Vanaheim again. I see two dead Jotun warriors and two victorious war goddesses. I would say we won."

"Do you really want war with the two most powerful realms, Laufey?" Eydis questioned, stepping forward to Kari's side. Kari had her hand outstretched threateningly, ready to cast magic should it be needed.

Laufey paused, weighing his options heavily. If he attacked, he could possibly kill one of the goddesses... but the other one would react instantly and he most likely be killed as well. If he drew out now, he could figure out a way around the terms.

"Very well," he said coldly, drawing himself up to his full height. "Pull out," he snapped at his soldiers, and they all turned to leave while he paused, turning back to the four gods behind him. "This is not the last you will see of me."

"Bye bye," Kari called with a wide smirk, wiggling her fingers in a mocking wave.

With a huff, he turned and followed his army.

Thor and Loki instantly dismounted, moving to embrace their sisters in relief. "Thank goodness," Loki breathed as he hugged Kari, who laughed a little.

"Did you really think I would not win, brother?" She asked with mock indignation.

"You do tend to over boast," he pointed out with a smile, but he knew she was right. She had proven how easily she could hold her own. "Good job, Kari."

"Thank you." She turned to Eydis as Thor released his sister, grinning as she high-fived her, a custom she had picked up from Midgard. "Good work."

"It was not that hard," Eydis laughed.

"You could just accept the praise, Eydis." Kari said, half-mocking as they went to remount their horses again and turn back to the palace.

"Yeah, well, what fun would that be?"


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