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I stood in the middle of the battlefield fighting orcs twice the size of me with Sting in my hands and Gandalf at my side. I hear a horn blow on the top of Ravenhill, saying that Azog was signaling his army of orcs to do something else. This time it was to attack Dale! 

"Come Bilbo. We have to protect the people!" Gandalf told me. We start running when I realize something. To stop the forces of orcs, you have to kill the leader. A leader that's hard to kill. But I still run to Dale with Gandalf.

Screams were everywhere when we arrived in Dale. Fires were burning uncontrollably, orcs running everywhere, the troll looking things smashing walls or throwing people. 

"Gandalf! Bilbo!" 

I turn to find Bard running towards us, with his children behind him. "I'm glad to find you here. Men are falling, and the orcs took over the market." Bard panted. "And elves are falling, but not as fast as men. These men barely had a week practicing with swords and spears, while the elves probably had centuries of practice."

"It's alright, dear friend." Gandalf told the bowman. "Take the women, children, elderly, and injured to the great hall. Bilbo, I want you to go with them so that they have at least some protection."

I nodded and gesture Sigrid, Bain, and Tilda to come with me. "Your the hobbit that was with the dwarves a few days ago. Right?" Tilda askes me. "Yes I am the hobbit. Probably never formally introduced myself. Bilbo Baggins of the Shire. Burglar of Thorin's Company." I reply. "And you're the children of Bard the bowman, also dragon-slayer." They nod, and we continue running on.


We arrive at the great hall with a few women, children, and elderly following us. Luckily the injured were already in the great hall. I stop at the door, and make a gesture telling to hurry into the building. An orc came into view and saw us. He started to run with his sword out, knowing that he'll kill everyone of us. But I run towards him and stick my sword into his gut. Disbelief filled his face and then his face turns blank. He falls to the ground dead.

I see a sword in the snow by a fallen warrior of Dale. I grab it and give it to Bain. He asks me, "Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because you look like a fighter. Protect the people and your sisters. Courage and bravery can be found in strange places. Like me. A hobbit, a creature of comfort. In fact, my fellow hobbits think it's absurd to go on an adventure. I heard that you took down two orcs to protect your sisters."

Bain gave me a small smile and I smile back. Best to give a smile to give hope in the midst of battle.

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