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We set up the giant bell to swing into the wall that's blocking us off from battle. "On the count of three, make sure it swings! 1! 2! 3!" We swing the bell and it succeeded in breaking down the wall and creating a sturdy bridge. We run to battle, shouting our battle cries, which is just plain shouting. 

"To the king!" Dáin shouts, seeing us run out of the safer walls of Erebor. 

I attack the orcs that stand in my way, determined to clear out their army as much as I can.


"I'll be there in a second!"

He runs over with his big hammer and gives me a hug. "Good to see ya out of there. My men were being clobbered!"

We went back to fighting. Time for reuniting later. 

*Bilbo POV*

I hear a loud sound like a bell towards the Lonely Mountain. I climb up to a watch tower and see the company running out of Erebor. With Thorin leading them. My heart seizes. It has done that before Thorin got dragon sickness, and it always happened when I saw Thorin. I ignore it and shout to Gandalf, "The dwarves! They're rallying!" He comes up and smiles. 

"I have to do something, Gandalf. I'm going to go help them."

"Bilbo. That's to dangerous! You'll be killed. And I told you to guard the people who can't fight."

"Bain is with them and the women have decided to help fight. Don't worry Gandalf. I won't be killed because I'm going to stay hidden."

I run off before Gandalf could object. The truth is, I'm going to help them, but not on the battlefield. But take down Azog. 

*Thorin POV*

I stand next to my nephews, Dwalin, and Bofur, killing orcs left and right. We managed to get a breather when Bofur says, "Thorin! Look!" I look in the direction that he's pointing at to see Bilbo climbing up Ravenhill. I understand what he's doing. He's going to try and kill Azog! He'll fail. Not that he's a bad fighter but Azog is to strong for a hobbit like him.

"Kíli, Filí, Dwalin, come with me. Bofur, try and get the others for backup." We watch Bofur run off and we run to help Bilbo. He will be fighting Azog by the time we get up there. We run at top speed, no matter how much our legs hurt or how much our lungs feel like they're on fire. We hear swords clanging and orc screams. 

"We have to help Bilbo." Filí says. "But where is he?"

"Sounds like he's near the frozen waterfall." Dwalin said.

I just say, "Well let's move! Hopefully we're not to late."

We run over in the direction of the waterfall when we see bodies of orcs. "He can't have killed all of these orcs, right Uncle Thorin?" Kíli says. I bend down to examine one of the bodies to find a arrow sticking out of his filthy neck. "An elf killed some of these orcs." As if it was waiting for a signal, we hear a whoosh of an arrow. We turn to see the elven prince on one of the towers shooting arrows. We look where he's aiming the arrows to find Bilbo fighting Azog.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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