Chapter 1

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I awake to the sound of my alarm clock. I groan and reach my arm out, pressing the snooze button. Five more minutes. I just need five more minutes. I'm meeting Brian for breakfast this morning, and if I'm not on time, he'll start yelling at me. He yells at me quite often, so I'm used to it, but it still makes me feel like shit.

My alarm goes off again and I lazily get out of bed. I open the curtains in my room and the sunlight pours in. Finally, a decent day in Chicago. I stand in front of my window for few minutes, taking in the sunlight, before I slide on my pink bunny slippers and head to the bathroom. I start running the water for my shower. While the water is warming up I strip off my pajamas. I place my hands under the running water to make sure it's warm enough and then step in. Just don't worry about today. Today will be great.

After I wash my body and shampoo my hair I carefully step out of the shower, grab a towel from the hook, wrap it around me, and go back to my room so I can get dressed. I pick out a pair of short shorts and a white chiffon tank top. I make sure it's not too fancy since we're just going to a cafe; I don't want to stand out like a sore thumb.

Before I leave my apartment I make sure all the windows are locked. I decide to wear my gladiator sandals to add a bit of pizzazz to my outfit. I double check to see if I have my keys and money, which I do. There, I'm ready to leave. I exit my apartment and walk towards the elevator. My unit is on the fifth floor, where the cheapest ones are. I can't afford a penthouse like Brian since I'm only in college and have a part-time job at Wal-Mart. Having a part-time job at Wal-Mart also means I don't have a car, so I have to walk everywhere. It's not that bad since I'm in really good shape, but if my destination is far, then I'm out of luck.


I make it to the cafe with three minutes to spare. I look in the window and see Brian sitting in our usual booth. He's on the phone, as always. I take a deep breath, straighten out my hair and clothes, and open the door to the cafe. Right away all the old people stare at me. I flash small smiles at the people I recognize. The place is quaint and has a very homey feel to it, plus it serves cheap food, which is a bonus. When Brian sees me he sets his phone down.

"Hey, Brian," I say, planting a kiss on his cheek. I sit across from him, like usual.

"Hey, babe. How was your walk here?" he asks.

"It was great." You could've picked me up, ya know. "The weather is gorgeous."

"I know." He smiles, leaning across the table to get closer to me. " know what's coming up this weekend?"

"Yup. Our one year and six month anniversary." I take a sip of complimentary water, feeling proud of myself for remembering that.

"Yes it is. And I have a surprise for you." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a piece of paper. At least I think it's a piece of paper. He slaps it down on the table.

"What's that?"

"We are flying first class to London to celebrate. This is your ticket."

"Wait what?!" My eyes widen and I pick up the plane ticket. I can't help but gawk at it. Maybe I'll run into Harry. I haven't seen him in so long.

"You heard me," Brian says, the biggest smile appearing on his face. "We're also staying at a five star hotel, and the room has a king bed." He winks. I giggle. Ew, you pervert.

"When are we going?" I impatiently ask.

"The day after tomorrow. I figured that since you're on summer break we could go whenever, and I want time to sight see before the big day." Again, he winks. He does that a lot, and sometimes it makes me think that he has an eye problem, but I know he's only trying to be cheeky.

"Yeah, that's great!" I slide out of the booth and go to the other side to hug him. We end up making out, and some of the older people stare. We usually don't show any PDA in public, but this is an exception.

"I love you so much, Sabrina," Brians whispers.

"I love you, too," I whisper back. If only I didn't have to lie to you.


*Harry's POV*

"Thank you, Denmark!" I shout into the microphone. Fans are screaming 'I love you' to the boys and I, and it feels absolutely amazing. We've made it so far within a short amount of time. It's surreal.

The five of us exit the stage and get ready to head back to London. Tour is over, and we finally get some down time.

"Great show!" Liam shouts, giving us all high-fives.

"Amazing," Zayn says. "Who's ready to go back home?"

"So ready," says Niall. "My baby's coming in from America in a few days. It's been so long since I last saw her." If only Sabrina were coming for me...

Mistakes: A Harry Styles/One Direction Fanfic *ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTICE*Where stories live. Discover now