Waking up ~ day 3

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"Oh shit!!"

I yell as my head snaps up from the dark green hospital chair next to my boyfriend.

dry drool coats my mouth and so does the gross taste of morning breath.

I hastily glance at the clock above the door way.


School started 3 hours ago and I'm at the Derry hospital.

"Awe fuck as if I hadn't missed enough school already."

I sit up a bit more and look at my unconscious boy.

"If you were awake we'd go back to my place and mess around like we used to"

The memory of the day we skipped school coated my brain.

"I've gotta go rich, I'm still heading to school. Don't worry. Love you lots."

I rush out the door into the hallway seeing a very very dark gray sky beyond the windows and an absolute shit show of a thunderstorm.


I pull out my phone and call my mother

"Hello? Baby? Is that you?"

"Yes mom, I need a favor.."

"I'm already on my way"

Sorry for the short chapters but I swear is gonna get juicy

Lmao did I get you with that title or what.

Forever please~ Richie tozier + ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now