Chapter 32

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~|Michael’s POV|~

He hates me. He fucking hates me. Why did my feelings have to be towards him? Out of everybody in the world, him.


It’s a horrible feeling, knowing that somebody I love, fucking hates me for some reason.

Like, what the fuck did I even do!?

I sent a text to Calum this morning, asking if Ashton really hates me. He responded with ‘I’ll ask’ but he never sent anything back after that. Ashton must still be sleeping.

What set him off like that? He kissed me. It’s not like I wanted to – I may be lying here, but you'll never see the truth anymore. I’m afraid if Ashton acts normal again, I’ll tell him the truth, and he’ll run away again. I can’t afford that to happen.

Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I grazed my hand over the top of the screen, wishing that it was Ashton’s hand or cheek.

However, unfortunately, this is reality. And reality doesn’t give you what you want straightaway. You have to fight for what you deserve. But I don’t think it’s worth fighting for Ashton anymore.

Once my eyes adjust to the brightness of my phones screen, I realise it’s a text from Luke.

Ashton left our’s kind of difficult to explain over a maybe come over. Cal and I had a small fight, and he won’t come out of his room’

I sigh, and feel nothing more than sorry hearing that Luke and Calum are in a small fight. I hate fights, and seeing my best friends are in one now, makes me want to cuddle them forever and tell them that everything will be alright. That’s what I wish they’d do to me, when they finally realise that I think I really love ashton.

I read over the text again, noticing that like mentioned Ashton leaving. Where? He couldn’t possibly be coming home.

‘I’m so sorry to hear that Luke. He loves you, and you know that too. Everything will be fine soon:-) and sure. I’ll be there in five’

Luke instantly replies.

‘I hope. But thanks see ya soon’

I lock my phone, and then roll out of bed.


Finally, I arrived at Calum’s and Luke’s house, for the second time this week.

I knock a few times, before Luke opens the door, with red, puffy eyes. I seems as if his been crying, but I don’t question him.

“Alright. Tell me what happened,” I sit down on a chair, and wait for Luke’s response.

“Well. This will be long. So get comfortable,” Luke says, also sitting down on a chair beside me.

“When Ashton finally decided to roll his ass out of bed, Calum asked him some questions – which I personally warned him to not take too far. He can tell us when he’s ready. So Calum asked Ashton if he would explain last night. Unfortunately, Ashton was going to be hard for us, and say no. Calum asked why he weirded out after he kissed you. He asked why Ashton decided to have a sleep over. Calum said it wasn’t like ash to not want to go back home. He’s usually excited and chirpy. But this time, he wasn’t so in the mood. Ashton asked if it mattered he wanted to have a sleep over. If it mattered that he was weirded out about the kiss you shared with him. Calum responded being honest, saying no. It didn’t matter. Calum then asked for an explanation. Ashton said he was just weirded out by the kiss. Then Calum rambled on about how you were crying and stuff. He also mentioned you saying that you thought it was your fault he was upset. And Ashton kind of replied that maybe it was your fault, a little bluntly. But don’t take it seriously, because I don’t think he meant it. Calum tried asking what you did, to make him think it was your fault. Then that’s where I came in. I told Ashton he didn’t have to worry, and that he can tell us when he is comfortable and ready. Then I think Calum was a little pissed off at Ashton, he snapped it at me. We had this little fight thing...when Ashton rambled on about how everything’s always his fault. Then he left, have no idea where. He just left. Then Calum and I continued to fight. And I hate it...” Luke finally explains the problem.

I don’t say anything, waiting for him to continue.

“I hate fighting with Calum. I really do. I love him so, so much. He was pissed, and he said a few mean things. But I tried to block them out, because I know he doesn’t mean it. I tried so hard Michael. So, so hard. But my mind didn’t listen, and it made me shred a few tears. Soon after those tears fell, more followed, soon breaking me into a crying session,” Luke whispered. “I can’t afford to lose him. I love him,”

“What kind of things did he say to you?” I question. I came here about Ashton. But if my friend is in this kind of situation, I can’t help but get answers.

“He-he...” Luke couldn’t even start a sentence, before he started crying again. “Calum’s just in his room. Go talk to him,” I whisper, pulling Luke into a hug.

"I c-can’t. I’m afraid he’ll y-yell at me even more, o-or something worse could happen. I’m lucky i-it didn’t happen b-before, seeing how a-angry he was at A-Ashton,” Luke sobs into my shoulder.

“He’ll listen to you. He doesn’t mean those words he said to you. He loves you so much. As much as you love him,” I pat his back for support.

“I should stop crying over my boyfriends small, but harsh words, and continue this about why you came. You came about Ashton,” Luke wipes away they remaining tears, then sits back down on the chair he was just sitting on.

“He left. And I don’t know where, but he did. I have this feeling, if he leave him for too long, something bad will happen, and we can’t let, not only our ball of sunshine, but the fans ball of sunshine do something he’ll regret,"

“Did he leave the band? Did he say when he’ll come back. Did he say if he’ll come back?” I suddenly throw questions at Luke.

“Wow, hush child,” Luke chuckles. “No. He didn’t leave the band for starters, which is reliving,”

“Oh thank god,” I mentally wipe the sweat off my forehead.

“And I don’t know when he’ll come back. But I know, I just know he will come back,” Luke answers.

“Okay. I better head off. I’m pretty tired and shit. But do you want to come back and stay at mine?” I ask, standing up from the chair.

“Nah. If I go, it might make things worse between me and Calum. He might think I’m cheating on him or something,” Luke stands up, also.

“Okay, see you man. Hope everything between you and Calum will get better, and you’ll have make up sex,” I chuckle, heading towards the door.

“Alright man. Okay,” Luke laughs along with me. “I hope everything between you and Ashton will get better.”

I suddenly freeze. What does he mean by that? Am I making my feelings for Ashton that obvious?

“I know you’re in love with Ashton, Michael. It’s really not that hard to see. Calum thinks also,” Luke leads me out to my car.

“Well shit,” I sigh. “Please don’t tell ash. It’ll make everything worse between us also,”

“I won’t. When you’re ready, you will. It’s not up to me to tell him, anyway,” Luke replies, watching me, as I hop into the car.

“Okay. Bye Luke!” I wave, as I turn on the ignition.

“Bye.” he waves back, going back inside his house.

Let’s hope Luke and Calum do have make up sex. I want everything between them to be better again.



Double update! :-D

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