Chapter 6

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The Doc left the room saying, "OK, but don't come to me yelling: Doctord! I need ah medik! And other Heavy quotes!"

"Don't listen to him," Present smiled.

"Yeah!" Luke added, "he's just a POOTIS!"

The boys laughed.

Present laughed.


"You fully recovered Present?" Luke asked.

"Yes," she replied, "thank you for your hospitality."

Dr. Spam burst into the room... Again.

"FRIK it Doc, can't you learn manners?!"

"FRIK it Luke, you and thingymawhatsit need to test your car again."

"C'mon Luke," Present said, "let's go."

Luke groaned, "Well FRIK... alright!"


Luke, Present, and Dr. Spam were back in the mall parking lot, with Luke's Bricklin right next to them.

"Alrighty Luke," the Doc swore, "do the same as before... And no making out in the car!"

Luke and Present yelled at the Doc in unison, "FRIK U DOC!"

The Bricklin spun its wheels and sped off.

50 kph
70 kph
90 kph
100 kph

The car vanished.


"HOLD ON TO YOUR GAME.COMS!" Luke yelled as the Bricklin flew through the fabric of the multiverse, then entered one of the universes with a loud...

"Luke the car's on fire!"

"Nah! It's just overheated. It'll take a half hour for the steam to settle down..." Luke noticed the look of the universe they were in, "FRIKETY FRIK CRIP CRAP! Everything's in inverted colours!"

Luke was suddenly pulled out of the car by an inverted colour police officer, who Luke knew back in the city.

"Listen dirtbag, I'm fining you for speeding!"

"Woah buddy," Luke said, "this isn't you, you're not like this at all!"

"Ok, really?!" Present asked, "We've been here a whole 40 seconds and we're fined for speeding?!"

A hand grabbed the cop's shoulder, and a familiar voice dismissed the cop.

"It's ok officer, now make like a tree, and leave!"

The cop was quick to respond in fear, "OK, s-sure gangboss!"

Luke thanked the man, "Gee, thanks for savin' our skins mate!"

The man turned to face Luke and Present, "Alright, you dirtbags gonna leave?! Cuz I'm gonna kill you real bad doppelgänger!"

"Oh FRIK!" Present exclaimed, "He looks just like..."

"Yes Present I know... He's this universes version of me. Angry, stern, ill tempered, a gang leader, and worst of all... He has a tattoo on his right temple of an XBox One X controller! Which means he collects modern video games!"

They stared at each other for a moment before Luke broke the silence again.

"He's the complete opposite of me!"

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