Just a break

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"You've broken your arm again Charlotte. You must be the clumsiest person I have ever met" said doctor Carlisle Cullen.
His patient Charlotte Thomas sat on the hospital bed, with her right arm in a cast. She had long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, and despite the pain she was in, she smiled at the doctor.
"How did you break it this time?" He asked.
"I ran into the door handle" answered Charlotte.
"You really need to be more careful" replied Carlisle.
Charlotte nodded.
"I know. I guess I just have really bad co-ordination".
"It would seem so. We tested you for genetic disorders a few years ago. And your tests came back clear. There is no reason why you seem to break and bruise so easily" admitted Carlisle.
"I know. I will try and be more careful next time doctor Cullen. I promise".

Carlisle helped Charlotte down off of the bed.
"I hope you keep your promise this time Charlotte. I don't want to see you back in here, until it's time to remove the cast. Now, we had better go out and meet your father, tell him your diagnosis, and then you can go home" said Carlisle as he guided her towards the door.
Charlotte nodded and looked to the floor, not daring to meet his eye.
Carlisle opened the door of the ward, and the two of them stepped outside, into the corridor, where Charlotte's father; Barry, was waiting.

"It's just a break Mr Thomas. Your daughter will be just fine" announced Carlisle reassuringly.
"Thank you doctor. I'm so grateful for your help. Come on love lets go home" replied Barry.
Barry put his arm around his daughters shoulders, and she shuddered at his touch, but didn't say a word. She turned her head towards Carlisle as her father began to drag her away.
He smiled at her, and waved her goodbye. Charlotte flashed him a quick smile, but her and her father turned the corner, as he lead the way out of the hospital.

The pair made their way towards Barry's old grey car, and climbed inside.
"What did you tell the doctor Charles?" Asked Barry as he slammed the car door shut behind him, making Charlotte jump.
Barry often called Charlotte, Charles. As he had always wanted a son, but his wife had given him a daughter instead. Charlotte's mum had died when she was only 8 years old, and she had been out of their lives for 7 years now.
"I told doctor Cullen that I ran into a door handle" Charlotte answered.
Her father leaned across her to close her car door, making her hold her breath in anticipation. He then rested his hand on her knee, and stroked it tenderly.
"Good. Good girl. Once we get home you are to stay in your room, understand?" Asked Barry.

Charlotte nodded her head, and began trying to get her seatbelt on, without hurting her right arm. Once it was in, her father removed his hand from her leg, started the car ignition, and drove off.
Charlotte looked down at her arm in the cast, as it sat uselessly in a sling. It could have been worse, she told herself. It was only a break after all.
Over the years, Charlotte had come to the hospital many times, for various injuries. Some of the nurses thought she hurt herself on purpose, to get attention from her father. But Charlotte didn't care what they thought, as long as they didn't know the truth. She didn't mind what strange theories the staff at the hospital came up with.

Once they arrived home, Charlotte did as her father asked, and went straight to her room. She sat on her bed and stared at the photo on her bedside table. It was a picture of her, and her mum Sandra, at the beach.
It was one of Charlotte's few memories of her mother. As she got older she began to forget her mother more and more.
She liked to remember a time when they were a happy family. Back then, everything was perfect. Her dad was less drunk, her mother was alive. And she had never broken a bone in her body.

Charlotte jumped as she heard a loud smash from the room below her. It sounded as if her dad had dropped something in the kitchen.
She got up off her bed and picked up the chair which was under her desk. It was hard with only one hand, but she managed to carry the chair, and place it in front of the door.
Charlotte moved the chair, so that the back of it was touching the door handle, stopping it from moving. She then ran over to her window and shut the curtains, sending the room into complete darkness.

There was a loud stomping sound as Barry made his way up the stairs. Charlotte dropped to the floor, causing her to wince as her broken arm touched the hard wooden floor.
She pushed herself along the ground, until her body was under her bed. Once completely hidden, she closed her eyes, and thought of her happy memories of her and her mother. Jumping, splashing, and singing at the beach. She used those memories, to block out the sound of the banging coming from her bedroom.
Forgetting the present, and focusing on the past.

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