Chapter One

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Chapter One (Newell)

A/N: Before I begin this epic tale, I would like to point out that Newell C. Drakon is not a child, therefore, this does not make any relationships involving him pedophilia. Newell is actually quite old and was born around WWII. So please, do not make the mistake that Newell is a child. And it's recommended that you read the Love Trilogy ahead of time. Thank you!

 "Darling, please... Just look at him. You haven't said a word to him in weeks."

"I refuse."

"But, sweetheart, it's not his fault--"

"To hell with whose fault it is! I'm not looking at the damned brat! Lock him away somewhere and out of my sight! I can barely stand his presence in the same room with me!"


"Get him out or I'll throw him out and you along with him!"

I woke to the sound of a police siren wailing in the distance, piercing the veil of sleep and the cold night that engulfed me. I stared straight up at a plain cracked white ceiling of a hotel room; the cheap bed I was laying on was hardly a comfort from the cold. I blinked the sleep from my eyes, listening to the sounds around me.

City sounds that I had grown accustomed to after traveling from city to city over the past few months. The sounds of gunshots, sirens screaming, cats in agony, homeless people shifting through the alleys, car horns, couples arguing, friends chattering, families laughing. The bright glittering lights from skyscrapers that reached high into the sky, touching the clouds and reaching for the stars that would forever be out of their reach.

Stars that were always out of my reach. The bitter thought crossed my mind like a razor, cutting through my moment of peace. I ground my teeth together tightly behind my closed lips. I slowly sat up, grimacing at the temperature as I pulled the ratty old blankets up against myself, peering through the darkness to see a large form sleeping beside me.

Xed slept with his back to me, facing the other beds that were lined up along the large dining room. Beds set up for the homeless, which we had now become. Months of traveling, having spent the last of the money I managed to get away with. No more hotels. No more luxery.

Now it was only a matter of survival.

I didn't move anymore. Xed was a very light sleeper and he probably already knew I was awake. The merman slept very quietly. He didn't snore and in the beginning, I woke just to make sure he was breathing.

Xed was definitely a merman, and a lie it would be to say he was unattractive. Even I had to admit he was handsome in an exotic way. His hair was a vivid shade of electric blue, cut shorter in the back than in the front with a fringe that fell over his mismatched brown and green eyes. A dark beauty mark was nestled in the far bottom corner of his right eye. He only wore a pair of leather pants and matching Doc Martens, nothing more. It was as if he needed nothing else, making him a suitable travel companion.

It also helped that Xed was nearly seven feet tall, or maybe that was just the way I saw him. Either way, having Xed towering over everyone else intidimated them, dared them to get near us. It gave me the privacy I needed. Of course, it didn't work all the time and there was the occasional bother of informing people he was mute, then coming up with a useless lie that I was his younger brother, something humans bought quickly.

I looked away from him, flicking my tongue over my fangs that throbbed in my gums. I was starving, I realized with a grimace. My mouth felt as dry as cotton, teeth aching, and stomach clenching tight with hunger pains. I looked down at my skin, taking note of the pasty color. I reached up to rub at my eye, then paused, cringing as the reeking stench of the homeless shelter burned my nostrils.

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