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He loves me?

I felt my chest cave in as my heart began to beat faster and faster. My palms began to sweat. Curls started to form in my hair, frustrating me as I pushed it back. Ethan slowly started making his way toward me as I stood still. He ran his fingers through my damp hair, causing tingles to run down my spine. His deep green hazel eyes stared into mine as I contemplated our entire friendship. He's been in love with me?

"For how long?" I shuddered.

He looked to the ground and back to me, "Do you really want to know?"

Moments went by and I realized I was staring into his eyes and he was staring into mine. They were more beautiful than a sky full of stars, late night adventures, anything. I can't believe I'm falling so hard for him. I guess, I've already fallen for him. Confronting this feeling seems so strange; for the longest time I tried to hold myself back from him, convincing myself it was a good idea to stay quiet.

"Kiss me." He whispered, distracting me from my thoughts.

I smiled, "Ew, no."

He chuckled, pulling me in closer to him by my waist, "Come on, it's not so bad."

"Ethan, you're my best friend."

His eyes wandered to his truck, then back to me. "Let me show you something."

I nodded as I followed him to his truck and got in the front seat. The warm air flowing out of the air conditioning contrasted with the brisk cold of outside. Ethan pulled out from his parking spot and began to drive off and away from the school. I studied everything Ethan did, from his movements to even his breathing. Everything seemed so important to me; the way he glanced at me and smirked after, the way he gripped the steering wheel- every now and then making his knuckles go white, the way his other hand slowly touched mine- asking permission to hold it. I steadily began to unfold my fingers as his leisurely grazed the palm of my hand making their way to the tips of my fingers.

It was different, it was new, it was exciting. After about 30 minutes, his eyes wandered over to mine again, "Okay, we're here."

I look out my window to see us parked in a parking lot at an arcade we used to go to as kids.

"Ethan, I haven't been here in years." My eyes looked around in amazement, it was like nothing ever changed. Everything still looked brand new.

We went inside and Ethan stepped in front of me to the lady at the front counter, "Can I get 20 coins please?" My eyes widened, partly in confusion but mostly excitement.

"Sure! That'll be $15 please." The lady smiled at the two of us, and handed me the coins as Ethan swiped his card. "Alright, you two have fun!"

We walked inside as Ethan grabbed my hand and led me to one of the games.

"Ah, Super Mario." I sighed feeling nostalgic.

Ethan smiled and placed my hand on the joystick, grabbing my other hand to the buttons beside it. "This is where I met you."

My eyes widened again remembering that moment.


I'm going to get it this time. I had to. I'm 6 tickets away from winning the laser guns on the top shelf at the prize corner. All I need to do is get past 3 more levels, and I'm good.

My eyes are glued to the screen as I slam the buttons and move the joystick around vigorously.

"LEVEL FOUR" the screen reads. Yes! Just two more.

"You've got this Evelyn!" My friend Jaclyn encourages at my right side as she holds my tickets in her hand and jumps up and down.

Her excitement fueled my determination to beat these levels. They are the most difficult and I'm going to win them. I can do this. I felt someone staring at me to my left, but I ignored it and continued playing my game.

The feeling got stronger as I felt the presence become closer. I look to my left after I win level four and move on to level five, just to see some kid my age staring at me smiling.

"Hi" I said awkwardly.

"Hi." He responded, his tickets in his hands as he stood there.

I look back to the game that's about to start and back to him as he continues to smile, "Did you want to play?"

He shook his head no and walked closer to me, looking over my shoulder with Jaclyn- who didn't care to do anything except look at me weirdly.

"What are you playing for?" He asked.


"Is there a prize or something?"

I look over to the prize corner and eye my most desired prize as it stood in the spotlight.

"Laser guns? I didn't think girls liked those."

"Well, I do." I turn my head back to the screen where my game awaited. I heard him walk away, probably to play a different game.


"I'm sorry Evelyn, I know you tried really hard." Jaclyn said sympathetically.

I shrugged my shoulders, "It's okay." I was a little sad in my defeat, but I can save up these tickets for next time.

My thoughts are interrupted as I look up to see the same kid standing at the prize corner waving me down with someone who looked just like him. I smile, confused, and make my way over with Jaclyn.

"Hey! You never told me your name." He states.

"Oh, it's Evelyn," I sigh, "and this is my best friend Jaclyn."

Jaclyn smiled and waved at the boys as they introduced themselves.

"I'm Ethan, and this is my twin brother Grayson."

I nod my head, "well hi." Grayson looked me up and down and smiled. I smiled back, looking at the floor sheepishly.

"Do y'all want to come to our house?" Grayson asked. Jaclyn and I looked at each other and back to the twins.

"Yeah, let me just call my mom."

(A/N; Thank you so much for 60+ reads! That's amazing! Love you)

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