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It's been a couple days since Ethan fell asleep. The haunting beep of his heart monitor was the only noise filling the room. It echoed through the room and bounced off the walls. Nurses came in almost every 5 minutes to check up on him to see if everything was okay. My mom took Lisa out to breakfast today, we had to go home last night- which as you well know was not my decision. It pained me to leave him, but I know with Grayson there he was in good hands. 

"Hey, uh, Evelyn?" Grayson cleared his throat.

My head rested on my arms which were reposed on the railings of Ethan's bed. I look up to him, "Yeah?"

"I can't stand being here for another second, can we go downstairs to the Cafeteria for a little bit?" 

I nodded my head and grabbed my purse that was sitting beside me. We walked to the door and I turned around to see Ethan one more time before I left, on the inside hoping he'd wake up. "I've got him." My dad says.

I nod one more time and proceed down the hall with Grayson.

"So, where's Taylor?" I ask curiously.

Grayson looks to the ground, and back up to press the 'Call Elevator' button, "I'm not really sure, I haven't heard from her."

My eyebrow raises in confusion, usually she'd be all over him. 

Our conversation was put to an end when Grayson is nearly tackled to the ground, "Cam!" Gray calls, his temporary happiness causing me to smile. 

"Where's Ethan??" She says letting go of him.

"He's down the hall to the left." He smiles and looks to me. She turns her head to me and reaches out her arms inviting me to a hug. I do the same and hold her tightly, knowing how fond she is of Ethan this must be really hard for her. 

"I was in on it." 

I back away and look her in the eyes, "In on what?"

She smiled and rubbed my arm with her free hand, her other one carrying her backpack, "Him asking you out."

I reminisce in the happiness I felt in that day like I have been for the past couple days. It feels like weeks ago. 

"Well, not him getting suspended, but definitely the rest of it." She laughs, causing me to smile. Cameron has always been so beautiful and like an older sister to me. 

After we talked a little she walked down the hall and Grayson strolled with me to the Cafeteria. Nurses and Doctors were walking around quickly, trying to get to every patient as soon as possible. I just wanted to stay out of the way. 

We sat down at this little table next to the window as Grayson pulled out my chair for me. 

"Thank you." I smiled to him as he smiled back to me. He took his seat and laid back crossing his arms while looking out the window. We didn't say anything for a while, but kind of enjoyed each other's company as we wrapped our heads around what's happening. Quiet music played over the speakers and the aroma of coffee drifted over to us making my stomach rumble. 

"Can I get you something?" Grayson leaned up and looked concerned.

I shifted in my seat, "Even if you did, I don't think I could eat it right now."

"He's going to be alright, Evelyn." He frowned, looking sad.

"I know, Grayson, it's just hard to look at him like that. I can't even believe he survived a crash like that. Did you see his truck?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, I did." 


We were there for about two hours making small talk, laughing about funny memories of Ethan that seemed to cheer us up. 

"We totally had a huge crush on you! I can't believe you didn't know!" He laughed.

I shook my head, "Seriously?? I was so oblivious!" 

"It's okay, we kinda had to fight over you."

"That's ridiculous-" I leaned back in my seat.

"No, Evelyn, I'm serious. We were both head over heels for you."

I felt myself begin to grow nervous around him, something about what he said made me uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I continued to smile. There was something about his smile that was comforting and made me feel at peace.

"Maybe we should get back," I sigh, "we've been gone a while." 

He agreed and we walked back to the elevator.

"Oh shit," Grayson ducked and pulled me behind him, "it's Amanda." 

What the actual fuck, how did she know Ethan was in the hospital?? Well, we all have been missing from school, tomorrow is Saturday so I'm sure people have heard or spread it around.

"Grayson?" We hear a small voice on the other side of the plant we were hiding behind. He jumped out from behind the plant after whispering to me to stay there. 

"Oh-uh-hey Amanda, wha-what's up?" He said awkwardly.

"I heard Ethan was in the hospital and I wanted to stop by." 

Grayson sighed, I could tell he was uncomfortable with what was about to happen.

"Amanda, look, it's really nice that you still care about him and I'll tell him you stopped by-but you've got to move on. He's dating Evelyn now and-"

"Evelyn?" She said with a crack in her voice.

He nodded and looked to the floor trying to avoid the awkwardness between them as she handed him an envelope. He looked confused as he took it and began to open it, "What is this?" 

As soon as he opened the letter and read it, he immediately dropped to his knees.

"It's an invitation to Taylor's funeral tomorrow." She looked to the ground as tears quickly started to pour out of Grayson's eyes while the look of shock remained. Blood drained from his face as he started putting pieces together. He shook his head, denying any possibility of her death being an actual reality.

"She was the drunk driver." 

(A/N- Over 200 reads?! That's freaking amazing, I love you guys so much. I don't deserve you at all. This chapter was major short, but I'm planning on making the next one a little longer. A lot is about to happen so I wanted to fit it in one chapter. I love you again, and until next time- PEACE)

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