The Prank War

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Danny's pov

My heart beat is racing. Nerves tingling.

Is it safe? Is the threat finally gone??

I inch my way closer to the edge of the brick to peer around the corner. My hands are trembling and I can't stand still.

This is the worst fight I've gotten myself into in a while...

Taking a deep breath, I round the corner, prepared to shoot.

What am I doing? I'm no good with this gun?!

I hesitate. Bad move.

Suddenly I'm struck in the face with something, causing me to stumble back and temporarily blind me. I wipe the substance out of my eyes and see my foe dead ahead.

"Haha! I got you Danny!" Tucker exclaimed as he flailed his water gun through the air. "I win, I win, I win!"

"Not so fast, Foley," I hear someone else say.

Holding a water gun to Tucker's head was Sam and she had the look of death in her eyes. Tucker froze not knowing what else to do as he realized he was a goner.

"No, please Sam! I have so much to live for!" Tucker plead.

"Too bad, so sad," and he was heavily sprayed with the gun.

Standing aside, laughing my ass off, Sam turned to me.

"Oh, don't think I forgot about you," she said with a wicked smile adorning her face.

I gulped.

I tried to make a run for it but alas, Sam's water gun skills were beyond my running skills and I was shot down. My shirt and face completely soaked as I lay on the ground.

Sam came and stood over me before grabbing my gun from my hands, holding it above her and and chanting, "I AM UNSTOPPABLE!!" Then proceeding to fall into a laughing fit.

Sam fell to the ground and Tucker joined us.

"Well that was pretty fun," he stated.

"Oh no Tucker dearest, that is only the beginning," I said as I plotted out my not so evil plan.


I waited by my locker to walk to first period with Tucker and Sam with a devilish smile on my face.

"Hey, Danny. Where's your backpack?" Tucker asked me.

"Oh, it's in my locker but the darn thing is jammed and there's too many people in the hall right now to use my ghost powers to get it out," I whispered the last part.

"Well leave it to me! I'm Tucker Foley, the locker expert. Not just cuz I get shoved into them on a regular basis, but because... well yeah. That's it," he said.

Tucker began to dial in my locker combination that he somehow knew and opened it expecting to have to tug slightly rather than what happened.

The locker opened with ease and out tumbled about a hundred ping pong balls going everywhere.

"Woah! What the?!"

Sam and I stood aside laughing our asses off at Tucker's baffled expression.

"Wow... Ha ha ha, very funny, Danny. Your sense of humor is bouncing," he said as he threw one of the balls at my head and it bounced off. Then Mr. Lancer walked by.

"Mr. Foley, if this is your way of showing the school that you've got the 'balls' to do anything, I suggest you clean this up and rethink your life choices." He said walking off.

Pissed that he now had to clean up the mess I created for him and that he was gonna be late to his next class, Sam and I walked away giggling.


Tucker had asked to meet up with Sam and I at the Nasty Burger after school today but it all got a bit delayed after getting caught up in a fight with the freaking Box Ghost. Geez that guy had nothing better to do.

Anyways, we showed up about 30 minutes late and Tuck looked a little antsy.

"Sorry we're late Tuck, Box Ghost," I stated.

"No problemo. Hey, we should order food," he said in a rush.

"Um, okay. I guess I'm just gonna get what I always get..." I told him.

"Fantastic," I heard him mumble, but thought nothing of it.

We went up and ordered and while Sam and I were getting our drinks, Tucker was still talking to the cashier.

"How big must his meal be that he's still describing it?" Sam asked me.

"I don't know but Tuck is very serious when it comes to his food," I said.

Then Tucker finished and came and sat down with us as we waited, exchanging our normal conversations. When the food came, I was so hungry that I didn't even look at it. I just wanted it in my belly.

"No Danny WAI-" Sam tried to yell but I had already bitten a massive bite out of my cheeseburger. At least, that's what I thought it was.

Something wasn't right about it so I opened up the burger and on it where some sort of peppers. Then my mouth started to tingle.

"What the hell?" I asked, "I didn't order any peppers on my burger?"

"Oh, that was my extra little touch," Tucker said as he gave me a smile that one could compare to the devil. "They're called Ghost Peppers, the hottest pepper in the world. They made me think of you."

I was about to make a joke about how they were like me because he thinks I'm the hottest in the world, but the tingling started to turn into a burning, and that burning kept getting worse and worse.

"Hot. Hot hot. VERY HOT! OH DEAR GOD!" I was practically shouting.

It felt like I'd just licked molten lava with barbed wire and some fire on top. My whole mouth burnt and it spread to my lips and cheeks. My face started to turn red and I became desperate for something to drink.

"WATER!! I NEED WATER!!!" I cried out.

"Actually the best thing for you is milk," Tucker stated trying to hold back his laughter.


I then chugged my soda which only made the burning worse and ran towards the drink station and tried to fill my cup up with water but it WAS GOING TOO SLOW!

I gave up and stuck my head under the spout as I pressed the lever for water and let it pour into my mouth and all over my face. People were staring and I didn't seem to care. I just wanted the burning to stop.

Tucker stood behind me laughing and Sam trying to hold hers back but couldn't help herself due to the hilarious situation unfolding before her.

"I'll get you back for this Tucker Foley," I said between gulps of chugging the water.

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