No more fires!

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"I'm just sayin, if we use the flame thrower, we can cause a huge distraction," Danny said as he, Sam, and Tucker devised a plan behind a building whilst the city was under attack.

"I hardly think that's safe, Danny. Besides, can't you just use your powers as a distraction?" Sam replied.

"I mean yeah but flame throwers are so much more fun!" Danny retorted.

"Danny, we are not going to just go all 'willy nilly' with a flame thrower and put more lives at risk just because it's more 'fun'," Sam stated as she gave her friend a stern look.

"I usually don't, but I kinda agree with Sam on this one, dude. It is a little rash, don't ya think?" Tucker said.

Danny scoffed, "Ugh, you're both just a bunch of buzzkills." He then crossed his arms and tuned out Sam's plan as he put his whole flame thrower idea on the back burner.

"... and then Danny will have the upper-hand from where he'll be hiding. That vantage point gives him the capability to see the city hall building before it's raided."

At this point, Danny had begun listening again and liked what he heard.

"... and then we set it on fire."

"No fires.."



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