It's all my Fault

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Of all fights he's fought. All of the ghosts and ghost hunters he's battled, no one ever would have thought that Jack and Maddie Fenton would be the ones to kill their son.

It wasn't intentional, by all means, but it still happened.

It was just another normal day, Jack and Maddie Fenton were working in the lab late into the night when suddenly someone came crashing in.

It was Danny Phantom brawling it out with another ghost and it looked as if he was trying to put the other into the portal.

"Quick, Maddie! Use this and shoot that ghost!" Jack commanded as he threw her a new invention he was working on.

This new invention was intended to stun a ghost long enough to capture it and as Maddie was about to shoot, an ecto-blast from the other ghost flew at her, causing her aim to be off and she ended up hitting the ghost boy.

He collapsed to the ground screaming in agony, unable to move before his body went still and the screaming stopped. Suddenly, a ring of white and blue light appeared around the motionless hero's waist and turned into Danny Fenton.

Jack and Maddie, completely bewildered, screamed and ran to their son who they now know was the ghost boy all along.

"Jack, what did you hit him with?!" Maddie asked frantically as she looked for a pulse on her son.

"I used the skeleton of the ecto bazooka but added the essence of blood blossom because of its affect on ghosts!" Jack said rather flustered.

"He's not breathing! Danny?! Danny please! Wake up!" Maddie screamed, almost shaking her son, by to no avail. "Jack, start compressions, now!"

Maddie pulled out her phone to call 911 but turned to see Jack had stopped.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping?!"

"Mads... His, his heart. It's stopped beating..." Tears welled in Jacks eyes and his throat grew a lump that made it hard to breathe. He looked down at his motionless son and put his hand in his own.

Maddie backed away from her husband, the look of shock and disbelief adorning her face.

"No. No, no, no. This isn't happening. This can't be happening!" Maddie said. She wanted to run away. To hide from everything and maybe pretend this was all a nightmare. A horrible, horrible nightmare. But she couldn't leave her baby boy there.

She slowly walked up to him as he lay still, and she collapsed to her knees. Heavy sobs wrenched her body as she gripped her youngest son.

She killed him. Her sweet baby boy whom she would love to hug, cuddle, and embarrass was gone. And it was all her fault.

Just then, Maddie's sobs turned into screams as she quickly stood to her feet and ran over to one of the lab benches, knocking everything off. She screamed, tears streaming down her face as she trashed the lab whilst Jack just watched, still holding his son's hand.

Anger and grief surged through Maddie's veins as she destroyed the lab. The very lab she and her husband created. The lab they used to build anti-ghost weaponry. The lab where they made the gun that she just killed her son with.

Collapsing to the ground, Maddie froze. A heavy flow of tears streamed down her face.


A few days had passed until it was time for the funeral. It was a Saturday morning and the Fenton family was dressing themselves in the appropriate attire for the day.

Jazz stared at herself in the mirror as she took in the sight. Her head adorned a black headband to match her knee-length dress and sweater of all the same color. Her face was stained by her tears but she still had hope behind her eyes that she would get to see her baby brother again

Jack resides in his closet where he had abandoned his usual orange jump suit, replaced with a black suit to match the rest of his family. He too had tear stains on his face but he refused to look at himself. He built the gun that killed his son.

In the bathroom, Maddie pulled her black cardigan over her shoulders as she looked at the reflection staring back at her. What she saw wasn't "Maddie Fenton. Professional Ghost Hunting, free-spirited, smart, wife and mother," but a couple of blooded killer.

It had only been a few days since to accident and Maddie had refused to believe that she was innocent. She had shot and killed her baby boy. Whether she knew or not that he was the well-known ghost boy or not, she should have seen the signs. She should have been able to tell that that was her son.

No tears escaped her as she didn't know if it were humanly possible to lose anymore. But alas, a tear escaped her swollen, red eyes and she wiped it away, convincing herself she didn't get to cry. She didn't get to be sad. This was her fault.

Once the Fenton family was dressed and ready, or as ready as they could be, they made their way out the door and climbed into the Fenton Family Assault Vehicle, but today, it was just an RV.

The short drive to the funeral home was silent until Jack announced in a small voice that they had arrived. The family entered the building that smelled of flowers and were greeted by a man in a suit who smelled of peppermint.

"If you come this way, I will show you to the viewing room where you and the friends and family may pay their respects," he said warmly as he guided them to a room at the end of the hall.

"Oh, and there is someone already here. Claims he knows you and wants to talk. I'll be just around the corner in my office if you need me," he said again as he left the family at the closed French doors in front of them.

The three exchanged confused looks at the comment, not knowing who could have already been there, but quickly forgot when they realized what lay behind those doors.

Jack closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed them open, allowing the family to see who it was that was already there.

Standing next to the casket, with the body of their son, was Danny Phantom. A look of guilt but also relief adorned his face when he saw the three enter.

"H-hey, guys..."

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