Existential Crisis

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Who am I without the people around me?

without the music that I transfuse into my bloodstream

without the words my eyes fall asleep on and stay awake on

These are the things that make me aren't they?

I've been told to know who I am on my own

but on my own means with no one

and with no one I am no one.

My existence craves people

I am not really me 

not really me without the music that I've fallen for

the melodies and harmonies that rise and deflate my lungs

My life is not life without music

My presence is nothing but air

without the words written and spoken by me

by others that i read and believe 

there's a word for everything you know

A series of constantly changing choices and circumstances

Is what most would think

Theologically It's predestined

but is it really? Or isn't it?

Because my choices seem to be my own

my voice seems to be my own

but the times and places are already set

an it feels like I am so unreal and yet painfully real too.

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