Sapphire had woken up early the next morning. She had a lot planned for the day. First thing was that she had go to the air port to claim the last of her stuff. Then she had to go get her paperwork so she can go to school. After that she had to go the Dusk Marked Club to make them aware of her in the area. As well set up her room, at the end of the day Sapphire was exhausted but with everything done she was ready for school the following week.
-------Time Skip Next Week-------
Mary called up to Sapphire " Sapphire time to get up and get ready for school." But Sapphire had already been up for awhile. Before she left room she check herself in the mirror and saw her white tank top tucked into her black ripped skinny jeans with her red and black plaid long sleeve shirt unbuttoned with a pair of white low tops, her hair in a fishtail braid. After she was done checking her outfit, she grabbed her black messenger bag and left her room. She ready to actually go to school for the first time in three years. Sapphire ran down the stairs. "Mom I'm heading out now" yelled Sapphire as she sprint out the door. "Sapphire at least stay for breakfast" shouted Mary but it was to late Sapphire was out the door. Sapphire made it to Dusk high early enough to get the office and get her schedule and locker number. As well as have time to explore the school. Then the bell rang so she checked her schedule.
Sapphire Crescent Moon
1st- History Mr. Andrew 101
2nd- English Ms. Shell 205
3rd- Geometry Ms. Ling 206
4th- Study Hall Mr. Jackson 103
5th- Physical Education Coach Reyes
6th- Physical Science Ms. White 105
7th- Free Period
She went to her first period and her day went on.

Marked Ones
RomanceFollow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.