Sapphire waited in the secret garden all through lunch and when Jake didn't show she knew that he was mad at her. Sapphire was angry at herself, she knew should have told Jake when they started to get real close and shouldn't have found out the way he did. Sapphire went through the rest of the day like the first half. As Sapphire got home her little siblings all gathered around her as sensing she wasn't happy. Sapphire smiled at them and made a decision that would change the family's life for good. Sapphire took Aaron, Andrew Jr. and Sofia to the Dusk Marked One club in her 1968 Dodge HEMI Charger. They kept asking her where they were going, she told them it was a surprise. As they were pulling up to the club building they were getting impatient. Sapphire took them inside they were a little reluctant to go in as they were not familiar to them and they were a ways out of town. But Sapphire told them to come along. And they did because they knew their sister would protect them at any cause. Once the were in Sapphire turned to them and said "Welcome to the Marked One Club. This is were I have been disappearing to after school everyday." They did look around in wonder the saw some people with wolf ears and tails, some with wings, some with scales, and more. They had never really seen so may marked one let alone ones that looked like they really didn't have any clothes. What they didn't know was that what they were wearing is actually the normal clothing for marked ones.

Marked Ones
RomanceFollow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.