Follow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.
{A.N.: what Sapphire looks like but with longer black hair}
As Sapphire realized that her siblings weren't going to shun her as well, she sighed in relief because she knew she honestly couldn't take it if they did. Sapphire knew when she revealed herself that life would be different for her. But she also knew that she had to buck up and deal with it as she could not go back in time or erase anyone's memory. Sapphire knew she had to strong for awhile and be ready for what was coming her way. As it was getting dark they all piled into Sapphire's car to go home. Sapphire got ready for bed in her purple panda covered fuzzy PJ pants and blue tank top, she realized all she needed to face what was undoubtedly about to come was her family backing her. And when she thought about her family backing her up she felt a strong feeling build up in her and gave her strength to face the next day. So with that thought Sapphire fell asleep with a smile on her face.
******Next Morning******
Sapphire got up slipped on a royal blue sleeveless open back turtle neck and pair of black side lace up leather pants with a pair of black and royal blue leather heeled boots. And quickly put her waist length raven black hair in a high ponytail then did her makeup but in her mind her makeup was sort of like warpaint that ancient times warriors wore at that moment. The outfit was not something she normally wore but today she felt that she needed to dress fashionably and openly while covering a majority of her skin. When Sapphire went down she had a quick breakfast and grabbed the keys for her BMW R1200GS motorcycle and grabbed her helmet on her way to the garage were her bike was stored. Sapphire quickly got on her bike putting on helmet while the garage door was opening and revved up her bike. And when the door was open enough she sped out then tore her way down the street but before she got to far away clicked the button to close the door. Traveling on her way to school and a new day of loneliness or so she thinks.
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