Sapphire kept her eye's on the gunmen. "You wanted the hybrid marked one for what reason?" Sapphire questioned. Sapphire knew she had to keep the gunmen calm and talking to give the canine marked ones to come up behind to over power him while a feline marked one gets the mother and child. The gunmen kept looking around while flashing the gun at everyone and told them to keep their distance. "The hybrid is the leading expert on marked ones. I need her to explain to me why I suddenly get these marks on me. I lost everything thanks to these marks my wife, my children, and my job. And since I got these marks I have to fight myself everyday against these urges." said the gunmen. "Let me see your markings and I will help you." said Sapphire. The gunmen looked at her for a minute trying to decide if he should. He finally decided that he would so he released his hostages. He took off his shirt and expose his markings to her. Sapphire saw he was a wolf marked one. Sapphire sighed and said "You are what we call a late marked. Not every marked one is born with their markings just a majority are. Late marked generally don't get their markings until their late teens to early twenties. Late marked are sort of the bridge between marked ones and unmarked ones. They grow up with the view of an unmarked then come into their markings. Though they do have trouble with their new instincts until they get a hand of their instincts and understand their animal. They finally realize what marked ones have deal with so they see the world from both perspectives." As Sapphire was explaining to the gunmen about what he was dealing with the cops showed up and had their guns aimed at him. Sapphire saw this and released both animal forms at the same time so her wings spread their full 16 foot wingspan while her ear moved to the top of her head and her black tail whipping around lazily. Sapphire stood her full height of 5'10 and said "My name is Sapphire Crescent Moon, the hybrid. As this man is a marked one so we will be dealing with him as it isn't your jurisdiction anymore." The officers looked a bit mad at that statement no matter how true it was. Sapphire took the gunmen to the club building so the head could handle his punishment then went home as she was tired from the day. But she knew that she would have to deal with the consequences the next day.

Marked Ones
RomanceFollow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.