In the three years that Sapphire has been away, she has grown into a fine young lady of 16 years. As she departed her plane in Sunset City, Arkansas to meet her parents, Andrew and Mary, and siblings, Aaron, Andrew Jr., and Sofia, at the airport so they can go to their new house in Dusk, Arkansas. Sapphire had to look around for awhile before she found her family at the luggage claim. "Mom, Dad, Aaron, little Andy, baby Sof!" Sapphire shouted to get their attention over the noise of the airport. Once they heard her they looked in her direction and saw her. She drop her knapsack and crouched when her 12, 10, and 6 years old sibling came running at her to give them a big hug. Her parents followed at a more subdued pace. Her mother, Mary was the first one to talk "Little Sapphire, it's good to have you home at last. I hope you accomplished what you wanted on your trip." Sapphire looked up at her mother from her crouched position and responded "Yes mom. I did accomplish what I had set out to do." After that brief conversation, they went to claim Sapphire's luggage. When they had claimed Sapphire's three large suitcases, they went to their silver BMW. They drove for about an hour to the new house, all the way Sapphire told her siblings of her adventures like the the one time she had out run a rhino, the time she played with lion cubs, or the time she ate with the emperor of Japan. Then they arrived home, her siblings wanted to hear more but she was tired so she told them " Please let me rest and will tell when I wake up, okay?" They agreed to that.

Marked Ones
RomanceFollow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.