By the time Sapphire got home she was exhausted. She trudged up the stairs to her room and passed out on her bed.
*****Time Skip Next Day *****
Sapphire was reluctant to go to school for the first in her life. Now that she was exposed as a marked one, she didn't know how to deal with the situation at all. She had never been exposed to the kind of treatment most marked ones got. But at least now she was being true to her very nature, she could finally stop holding back. But she was a little worried because she had the others expose themselves as well when she only really needed to expose herself not them. She understood it was human nature to fear what they do not understand after all marked ones had that very same nature as well but also were more in touch with their instincts. Sapphire thought she was prepared for her peers behavior but she knew deep down she wasn't. Sapphire entered the school and her peers backed away from her as if she was going to hurt them. Sapphire sighed a little upset at their reject after all this time knowing her. The day went on lile this. At lunch she went to special spot she was sighing in gloom at her classmates behavior and actions towards her. She wondered if Jake was upset at her for not telling him. Sapphire had been hiding it that it became second nature for her to hide it and not tell anyone.

Marked Ones
RomanceFollow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.