Sapphire sat in the back of Mr. Andrew's class trying to not be noticed. When Mr. Andrew walked in he said " Class today we have a new student Ms. Sapphire Moon. I expect all of you to make her feel welcome, she has been traveling for awhile so please do make her comfortable." As he was saying that Sapphire sank into her seat, she would rather play the branches of the jungle trees than deal with school. The hour without to much trouble just the other students asking about her travels instead of paying attention. That is pretty much how the rest of her classes went. When the lunch bell rang, Sapphire ran to the lunch room to get ahead of the crowd and hopefully find a peaceful place to eat. She succeeded in beating the crowd barely but she manage to do it anyways. Now all she had to do was find a peaceful place to eat. But as she wonder around outside, she found what she looking for. She saw the the most beautiful garden she had ever seen. She decided then and there that this garden would be her escape in school. She sat down on the ledge of the gazebo to eat her lunch of hamburger with a salad and fries and a coke to drink. After she finished her lunch she just sat and listened to the birds chirp. When someone came stumbling in, do to her somewhat feline nature she was curious she turned around a saw the person that just came in. It was a boy with raven black hair, surfers tan, white straight teeth, and stormy blue gray eyes. Without her realizing it she spoke " hello can I help you?" The boy looked up quicker than could blink. He blushed a little and said " sorry about that didn't mean to startle you but I always come here to eat. My name is Jake Storm." Sapphire couldn't help but giggle at him a little. Then the bell rang calling for the end of lunch. Sapphire looked at her schedule to see P.E. was next.

Marked Ones
RomanceFollow Sapphire Crescent Moon as she fight against peoples believe and high school. join her as she discovers who she is. but will she find love or will she find love just to give to protect everyone? read and find out.