|Shot 50| • Quarry • |Jyatt|

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I sat like always with my shoes off, kicking my legs through the air as the breeze nipped my skin and ruffled my curls. Usually this place makes me happy...but not today.

Today I come here to clear my mind. A million thoughts pierced my brain, but all I could focus on was how much I love my baby, and how much I would miss him.

A million chimes rang from my phone. I scrolled though them with tears filling my eyes.

-I knew it!-
-Jyatt is real!-
-There goes their careers-
-Fucking homos-

Some comments were sweet and supportive. Some were really funny, from our friends and fans. Others were not so welcoming.

As the tears streamed down my eyes, I felt arms wrap around me.

"Hey, Wy" a soft, soothing voice whispered in my ear, their breath tickling my neck.

I looked up and smiled.


"Hey, baby" I whispered, and he leaned down to kiss my lips.

I sniffled, and he sat beside me.

"Wy? Baby, what's wrong?" he queried concerned.

I laid my head on his shoulder and passed him my phone. He looked at it puzzled at first but then his expression softened. His jaw became taut, and he let out a disappointed sigh.

"Well, looks like the fans are celebrating" he chuckled lightly to lighten the mood, and although I chortled, I let out a sob.

He cupped my face and ran his thumbs across my cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay, Wy, we'll be okay" he cooed, and I nodded.

He smiled comfortingly as he sat beside me at our spot on the Quarry cliff. It's been our spot for years, but now everything's changed.

What will people say? What will people do? How will our families react?

As soon as I felt his fingers intertwine with mine, I started to relax.

"I'm worried" I sobbed. "What if one of us gets hurt? What if I lose you? What if...what if we have to break up and-"

"I'll never break up with you, Wy" Jaeden said sternly but gently as he tenderly brushed the curls from my mournful eyes. "I love you. I love you so much, Wyatt. I don't care what anyone says, they'll never be able to change the fact that I want you, forever. Do you want me too?"

I smashed my lips against his soft ones and he kissed back immediately. The bittersweet salt of our tears mingled with our lips before I slowly pulled away.

"I want you forever, too. I love you so fucking much, Jaeden. Nobody can take that away from us, and nobody can change how I feel about you. Nobody can break us apart...I'm just...I don't want you to get hurt" I admitted. "I'm so fucking scared of losing you"

He just smiled as he wiped away the rest of my tears and held me.

"I won't get hurt. You won't lose me, ever, I promise. I'm going to be right here, right by your side, I'm not going anywhere baby, I promise" he said.

I nodded and he kissed my lips as I settled next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched the sun melt into the Quarry water below our feet.

And I knew I found my answer. No matter what, I'm never leaving his side. It's my favourite place to be.

"I love you" I sighed.

"I love you too" he smiled.

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I'm really sorry for being an asshole and not updating, I've been busy and happier, and the best writing of mine comes when I'm sad and have free time. I'll have something better, and longer, up tomorrow too.

Also, my Jyatt book, The Photographer, is something I'm really looking forward to so I might be updating that much more and this book less ~Love always, Jae👑

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