Chapter One

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"Let me carry it, you might break it" I mumbled trying to get hold of my box, which was currently being carried by my older brother Mikkel. 

"Shut up Agatha. We both know it's too heavy for you, so do as both a favour and go wait for your stuff at your room" Mikkel snapped, his dark brown eyes glaring at me. I frowned and backed away. 

I gently wrapped my arms and turned my head to look at the forest surrounding us. It was getting too chilly for my liking. I've never been a fan of cold weather, but I've never mind it either until right now. Mikkel and Stephen were carrying everything out of the truck.

It was mid-October and in Mikkel's opinion the worst possible moment to move. I didn't want to move but didn't complain either. I am currently in tenth grade and I've never had many friends. I can understand Mikkel's rage, he used to be the most popular guy, everyone loved him back at home also this was his senior year and supposedly the most amazing year he was going to have. But it all went down when my dad announced he wanted to travel more and meet new people, which meant me and Mikkel had to stay with our mom on the other side of the country. 

My mom and dad used to be this amazing couple, I can still remember when they were married and we all lived together. It was perfect, but then my mom met Stephen. He was scary. He was way taller than all of us, had dark hair and always seemed to be glaring. At the beginning, they were only friends but even then Stephen was completely possessive and got jealous whenever my dad got close. Eventually, my mom fell in love. 

"Agatha?" I heard my mom said, with that, I turned around and saw her standing by the door, "pizza is here"

"Coming mom," I said and started walking towards the house. 

I walked towards the dining room and saw Stephen and my mom sitting down. Mikkel wasn't there, and he probably wouldn't get anything until Stephen left. It was surprising how much Mikkel hated Stephen. I didn't hate Stephen, but I was afraid of him. 

"Mikkel isn't coming to get dinner and James is staying to a sleepover with a friend" Stephen announced, even though my mom and I already knew. I sat on an empty chair and grabbed a slice.  

James was Stephen's only child. He was a senior like Mikkel. I've only met him once and that time Mikkel and he got into a big fight. 

"Agatha, I was thinking Stephen should drive you tomorrow to school and then I would pick you up. Is that alright with you? Mikkel wants to walk, even though I think it's completely stupid since you never know what wonders in this woods." My mom said while munching a slice of her own.

"Sure," I said in a small voice feeling a bit uncomfortable. 

Once my mom left my dad it only took a few weeks for her to announce she was dating Stephen and then a month later she moved away with him. I hadn't spent time with her or Stephen since then. That was six years ago. 

We all finished our dinner in silence. 

"You're going to love your bedroom Agatha, me and Mikkel already moved everything upstairs," Stephen said standing up with a smile.

"I took my time to decor it myself" My mom giggled looking a Stephen. Stephen gave her a quick peck and motioned me to follow him upstairs. 

I walked quickly behind him trying not to fall behind. He was much taller than me, which caused him to have longer legs and being able to walk faster than me. It didn't take long before we were in front of a door. 

Stephen stood back and smiled. I slowly opened the door and gasped. This was like three times the size of my old bedroom. The walls were painted white and there was in the middle a bed covered in white and black pillows and blankets. In front of the bed hanging from the wall was a flat screen. On the left side of the bed was a huge balcony and right next to it stood a desk with a new laptop. 

"Thank you" I whispered with a small smile while turning around and looking at Stephen.

"You're welcome Agatha, you know I've always wanted a daughter. I know you are not comfortable with me yet and that is okay. However I would never hurt you, you're Katherine's daughter, therefore to me you are my daughter and to James his little sister" Stephen said looking down with me. "Goodnight Agatha"

Stephen left closing the door.

I sighed and looked at the boxes in the corner of the room. I had to at least unpack something for me to wear tomorrow and my backpack with books. I sat next to the boxes and started pulling out what I needed for tomorrow. 

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