Chapter Four

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"So I was thinking that maybe you and I could go watch a movie or something", Cassandra said while walking next to me. We were on our way to the parking lot.

"No, it's okay I'm not in the mood", I said back. To be honest I've never liked hanging out with people that much. Probably because I've never had many friends.

"Maybe next time", she said with a small smile. Was I too rude?

"Cassandra, Agatha wait up", I heard a voice behind us, James.

"What's up James?" Cassandra asked.

"I'm going to Xavier's place and well Sebastian offered to give Agatha a ride and show her the town a bit. That's cool with you right Agatha?", James said back.

"I don't know...", I said in a really small whisper.

James looked down at me and gave me a side hug.

"It's going to be alright, he's cool", James told me in my ear.

He gave me one last smile and jogged away. Xavier was probably waiting for him.

"Are you coming with us?", I asked Cassandra.

"Uh," she looked distressed, "I don't think so, I'll probably go to the movies with Libby or something since you didn't want to."

"But you could come with us."

"I don't think so, either way, Libby is over there I should go and see what we are going to do. Bye!"

She grinned and ran off to Libby. There, I was left completely alone. I looked around and saw a bunch of people walking up to their cars. I couldn't see Sebastian anywhere. The only person I can recognize is Mikkel and he is hanging out with a bunch of people I don't know.

I stared directly at him until he turned around and spotted me. I could see him telling something to the person next to him and then he walked towards me.

"Aggie there you are!"

"Hi Mikkel", I smiled.

"So, how was your first day?" He said looking concerned.

"It was okay, I made friends. How are you?" I asked back.

"I'm great. I thought this place would be shit, but it is alright. I mean, depending on the people. For example, James' friends are morons." He said I thought they were nice. "Anyway my friend Marco invited me for lunch and I thought you could go"

I was about to answer when a voice behind me answered.

"She is not going", Sebastian said while wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?", Mikkel snapped.

"Agatha isn't hanging out with your shitty friends", Sebastian growled while pulling me behind him.

"Excuse me?! Look, man, she is my sister you have no say in this." Answered Mikkel.

"Well you are a pretty shitty brother, so how about you let Agatha decide who she wants to hang out with", Sebastian growled.

"Fine, Agatha tell this douche you want to hang out with your brother and his friends, Mikkel said while looking at me. He seemed pissed.

I love my brother and everything. But I'm not sure if I'm comfortable going out with his friends. I mean I don't know them. It's not like I know Sebastian either, but I'm comfortable going out with him.

"I don't know your friends..." I told Mikkel, " I'm not sure if I'm comfortable"

"For fuck's sake, you spend one day with this guy and James and you are already brainwashed. But guess what? They can't fucking have you, you're not even James' sister." Mikkel screamed out before turning around and storming off.

I backed up a few steps back and let out a gasp. Mikkel has never screamed at me. He knows I can't stand people yelling, especially if it is towards me.

"Are you okay little one?" Sebastian said while looking down at me.

"I don't know", I answered truthfully.

"Here come on, let's go to your house."


He held my hand and pulled me towards his car. It looked like a pretty amazing car. It was matte black. Of course me not knowing anything about cars I didn't know how expensive it might be.

Sebastian opened my door and I got in. He then walked towards the other side and got into the driver's seat.

"Sebastian I don't exactly know where my house is, I didn't know it's location. I mean I just moved" I said with a blush. I couldn't give him directions.

"Don't worry, I've been to James' house before," he told me with a smile.

I threw a small smile back to him. He then started to engine and we left the school grounds. It's nice to have friends here, it seems like a nicer place to live than where I did before.

I stared out the window and saw the trees blur pass us. No words were spoken.


"Thank you," I said climbing out his car.

"Anytime little one," he said also getting out.

Wait, is he also coming inside? I mean, I just met him, it's nice and all that he drove me here but I feel like things might get awkward.

We walked together to the door and before I could knock or ring the bell the door opened. There standing with a huge smile was Stephen.

"Alp-Sebastian!" He said with a huge grin.

"Hello, Stephen." Sebastian nodded back.

"I heard of you and Agatha, James called me and told me!" He said with his grin getting even wider. Why did James call Stephen to tell him I made a friend?

"Yeah, I'm glad I met her", Sebastian looked down at me with pride in his eyes. "Anyway, I need to talk to you about business regarding Mikkel"

"Mikkel?" I asked Sebastian.

"Agatha, not now. Go upstairs", my mom said appearing behind Stephen.

I looked at Sebastian with a frown. What is up with this sketchy conversation?

"It's alright little one, I'll go to your room after I finish," Sebastian said pushing me towards the stairs.

I frowned more and walked towards my room. Once I was inside I pulled out my phone a dialled the only person who I could trust.

After a few rings, they finally picked up.


"Daddy, I miss you," I said choking back the tears.

"Aw, I miss you too pumpkin. How is your mom treating you?"

"It's alright, but something seems off. Every conversation seems sketchy. I don't know dad. I want to move back with you."

"Look pumpkin, I'm sorry. You can't live with me at the moment, but give me a year and you can come back"

"You promise?"

"I swear. Look pumpkin, I have to go but I promise to call you back soon. Tell Mikkel I say hi"

With that he hung up, leaving me as confused as before.

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