Chapter Seven

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I stared at the mirror one more time a gave myself a short smile

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I stared at the mirror one more time a gave myself a short smile. I looked good. I had a short white dress and my hair was up in a bun.

"Agatha! Sebastian is here!" My mom screamed from downstairs.

"Coming!" I said replied and left my room.

I still couldn't believe I had actually invited Sebastian with my whole family. It was going to be a mess and I knew it, as much as I love Mikkel I know that he is going to start a fight or piss someone off.

I walked downstairs holding my breath in fear of falling down the stairs with my heals. There standing mouth wide open was Sebastian. As I reached the bottom Sebastian pulled out his hand helping me down the last few steps. I blushed and gave him a shy small smile.

"How can someone look so angelic?" I heard his voice whisper against my ear.

"Thanks," I said in a small voice blushing even more.

He stared into my eyes and pulled me inside of his arms. His smell consumed my brain. It was like the smell of mint and rain.

We stayed there for a few more moments until my mom called us to go get food. I pulled away and Sebastian held my hand while walking next to me. Once we arrived at the dining room we sat down, with Sebastian sitting right next to me. Stephen was already sitting at the front of the table.

"Good night Sir! We are very pleased to have you at our house," Stephen said. Sir?

Mikkel and James walked in a few minutes later. As soon as Mikkel saw Stephen he started to glare. He walked up to him.

"You're at my seat," Mikkel spat out.

"I don't see your name," Sebastian growled.

"I want to sit next to Aggie," Mikkel looked as pissed as ever.

"Mikkel come sit next to me," my mom said while walking in with the food.

Mikkel groaned and sat at the sit my mom asked him to. He sat down his glare still pointed towards Sebastian. Sebastian growled lowly.

"I'm starving," James broke the silence.

"Well eat up!" My mom proudly said sitting on the chair.

Everyone started to fill their plates. Before I could get anything Sebastian snatched my plate and started filling it up with spaghetti alfredo. Once he filled up my plate he put on front of me and filled up his own plate.

As soon as everyone had their food in front of them we all started to eat.

"I'm so glad you and Aggie met," James proudly announced.

"Me too," Sebastian said with pride. He slipped his hand and placed it on my thigh.

"How did everything go?" Stephen asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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